Legal Cheek’s SQE Provider Profiles
Everything you need to know about the Solicitors Qualifying Exam preparation courses offered in the UK, including fees, scholarships and more.
The SQE Provider List

SQE Preparation
Prepare to take the plunge into SQE with revision tips and assessment advice, a taster lesson and sample SQE1 single best answer questions — in partnership with The University of Law
SQE Preparation
SQE Careers Toolkit
Whether you’re eager to explore QWE, maintain your wellbeing while balancing studies, catch up on virtual events, or hear first-hand from those who’ve been through the process, BARBRI’s SQE Careers Toolkit is here to support you
SQE Careers Toolkit
SQE Exams
Everything you need to know about the exam element of the SQE, including upcoming dates, booking deadlines, costs, centre locations and more
SQE Exams