Tag: Work experience

Fieldfisher teams up with client Peloton to create ‘diversity vac scheme’
Two-week programme for aspiring lawyers from unrepresented groups

Macfarlanes launches ‘app scheme’
TC hopefuls can now get the 'trainee experience' via their phones

Legal work experience opportunities fall by 11%
Biggest industry decrease
Experience: I spent a month putting into practice the tort law I learnt on the GDL
Monica Davis shares her experience of doing a vac scheme at the UK's largest medical negligence law firm
How I landed a mini-pupilage speaking to a fishmonger at Sainsbury’s
From a Dalston supermarket to Doughty Street Chambers
The very best legal work experience horror stories
Includes: Being mistaken for a criminal and fainting in court
Charlotte Proudman: Solicitor asked me for bikini photo in exchange for work experience
LinkedIn sexism row barrister also says her leg was inappropriately "rubbed" during mini-pupillage
Cambridge law student seeks to track down Pride barrister so he can make work experience plea
Bar hopeful is offering cake in return for information
Bristol Uni law student who swore at police avoids criminal record after representing himself in court
In this difficult moment for wannabe lawyers, where work experience is so scarce that a...
Going, going, gone – to the person with £2,660 to blow on legal work experience
Westminster School has completed its controversial auction of work experience at the criminal Bar, with...
Five Ways Barristers Can Treat Mini-Pupils Better
As I continue the Herculean battle to obtain pupillage, I broke a promise to myself...
Bar Social Mobility Week: Northerners Need Not Apply
This week is Bar social mobility placement week, with 69 high-achieving students from low-performing state...
Should We Let Sleeping Judges Lie?
Alex Aldridge found it hard to stay awake while marshalling as a bright-eyed 26-year-old, so...
#RoundMyKitchenTable: Twork Experience, Fairy Tales & City Lawyer Fat Cats
Earlier this week, law student David Woodall set out some etiquette for asking lawyers for...
Don’t Suppose You Have Any Work Experience Opportunities? #GizAJob
Is it acceptable to ask for work experience through Twitter, asks GDL student David Woodall....
EXCLUSIVE: ‘Trials of The 1%’ To Begin As Occupy Allowed To Stay In Shoreditch Courthouse For 3 More Weeks
Occupy London protesters have been granted the right to continue squatting a disused Old Street...
Follow @DiaryofaGDL GDL student David Woodall isn’t convinced all work experience is worthwhile It dawns...