Tag: Wigs

Could we soon be saying bye-bye to barristers’ wigs?

Bar Council working group reviews future of court dress

May 21 2024 8:45am

Elon Musk mocks British wig-wearing barristers

'Mfs in the 1700s saw this hairstyle and were like YOOOO 🔥🔥🔥'

Jul 8 2021 10:51am

Pupil barrister trials UK’s first vegan wig

Samuel March's hemp-based prototype draws praise from legal profession

Mar 1 2021 12:14pm

Junior barrister appears on children’s TV show

Alexandra Wilson offers a child-friendly look at the bar

Feb 23 2021 11:46am

Top judge rocks incredible judicial face mask

Robe-inspired number features Lord Justice Nugee's initials

Feb 2 2021 10:54am

Keep wigs to help disguise judges, Lord Chief Justice argues

Lord Burnett recalls taking the same Tube home as a defendant he'd just sentenced

Nov 23 2020 9:43am

Should barristers still wear wigs and gowns?

The cherished uniform of the bar remains an important stamp of legal responsibility, argues Queen Mary law graduate Jag Landa

Jul 19 2019 8:59am

Where are all the vegan wigs?

More are shunning animal produce, yet the legal dress industry just won’t ditch its horsehair

Oct 13 2017 11:12am

APPEAL: Help One Crown Office Row barrister Matthew Heywood find his stolen wig

The very same wig was stolen from him four years ago, but he managed to get it back

Oct 7 2016 12:16pm

‘Part The Crowds, Barrister Coming Through!’ – The Real Reasons Behind The Bar’s Love Of Wigs And Gowns

It is easy to scoff at barristers in our itchy wigs and fraying gowns. Horse...

Dec 6 2012 11:27am

Five Ways Barristers Can Treat Mini-Pupils Better

As I continue the Herculean battle to obtain pupillage, I broke a promise to myself...

Aug 1 2012 10:15am

‘Fake’ Barrister Used Pub As Office And Joked His Wig Was ‘Itchy’, Says Prosecution

Last week, the trial of a law graduate charged with fraud for attempting to pass...

May 3 2012 2:05pm