Tag: Weil Gotshal

Revealed: The law firms with the best perks — 2023 edition
From gym subsidies to concierge services, which firms do it best when it comes to those little extras?

Life at a US law firm in London
Weil partner James Harvey gives insights into the realities of work at a US outfit and demystifies the complex phenomenon of SPACs

Get jabbed before coming to the office, US firms tell lawyers
Davis Polk and Ropes & Gray to disable ID cards of unvaccinated employees, reports claim

Weil dishes out £8k Covid bonuses to NQ lawyers
Extra cash for trainees and associates too

Restructuring and private equity: What aspiring lawyers need to know
A panel of experts from Weil offer insights from the frontline and explain how they’re helping clients respond to the global crisis

Farewell freebies? 7 City firms pledge greener trainee recruitment practices
Reduction in merch and limit to on-campus travel among possible changes

Trainee solicitor pay at Weil hits £55,000
US outfit also confirms 100% autumn retention score
Autumn retention season: The good, the bad and the ugly
Legal Cheek reflects on the latest NQ results
Freshfields posts 82% trainee retention rate rounding off mixed bag for magic circle
Elsewhere in the City, Reed Smith posts disappointing 58% result while Weil Gotshal & Manges scores perfect 100%