Tag: University of East Anglia

East Anglia Uni student uses contract law revision notes to defeat landlord in court
Jack Simm was just a fresher when he initiated proceedings

Lincoln, Glasgow and Aberystwyth Unis home to nation’s happiest law students
Trio top National Student Survey for LLB satisfaction; ULaw performs strongly across the board; Russell Group struggle

Ex-UEA criminal law lecturer jailed for child sex attacks
Julian Myerscough arrested in Romania after absconding from court

ULaw strikes LPC deal with University of East Anglia
Exclusive: Tie-up comes despite plans replace course with SQE in 2021
Ex-UEA criminal law lecturer who fled court during indecent images trial given three-and-half-years in prison
But he remains 'a free man'
An East Anglia University academic counted every word spoken in the Supreme Court Brexit challenge
Apparently this could be the way to predict which side will win...
University of East Anglia law students advised to mime throwing graduation hats in the air in move branded as ‘ridiculous’ by personal injury lawyers
Mortar boards are the new mortar bombs