Tag: tax

Sleuthing former Clifford Chance lawyer leaves Nadhim Zahawi fighting for his political life
Dan Neidle calls for former chancellor to apologise after he reportedly paid around £5 million to HMRC

One lawyer’s journey from criminal barrister to top City tax partner
Legal Cheek talks transactions and career tips with Travers Smith partner and co-head of graduate recruitment Hannah Manning, ahead of her appearance at our first virtual student event of 2023

City partners should pay more tax, says ex-City partner
Former Magic Circle man Dan Neidle highlights 'odd' rates discrepancy between solicitors and bankers

Tax through time: How to get the rich to pay their way
Will the government learn from the lessons of the past? asks future magic circle trainee Will Holmes

Former Freshfields partner arrested in tax probe
A week after quitting magic circle firm

The case for UK tax reform
With Brexit on the horizon, now is the time to revise our taxation system, argues Staffordshire University law student Naz Khan
Tax law has become sexy — but lawyers need to be careful when advising clients
The vice around tax avoidance and evasion is tightening
An Uber-legal challenge: Jolyon Maugham QC crowdfunds more than £100,000 to launch VAT High Court case
Devereux silk is claiming 56p
Blackstone Chambers and Simmons & Simmons lawyers representing BPP in the Supreme Court today
Battle of the brains in sticky tax dispute
This thing called tax – what to do about it and how to stop the scammers
Is it actually really simple?
Brexit and corporate tax avoidance: Has the UK helped itself, or hindered itself?
Let’s explore the options...
An inherited tax overhaul: The first step to combating the housing crisis
Rich and poor deserve the same access to housing, so let’s level out the playing field