Tag: Supreme Court
A day in the life of a judicial assistant — as seen through the Supreme Court’s Instagram story
Fancy working with the UK's top judges?
Computers could own property, Supreme Court judge says
Welcome to the machine
We aren’t quite up there with Kim Kardashian, says Lord Reed on Supreme Court’s social media status
Deputy president in pop culture reference
Women barristers overlooked in favour of men, Supreme Court president says
International Women's Day: Female advocates complain to Lady Hale that males still scoop the big cases
Lady Hale on courage
Judges must stand up to the government and the media, says Supreme Court president
Supreme Court to play Cardiff this summer
Hale & Co take show on the road with three Welsh gigs in July
‘Skype a Supreme Court justice’ scheme gets go-ahead following successful pilot
Thirty-minute sessions start this month
Lady Arden: I was told I couldn’t be a barrister because solicitors would never instruct a woman
Supreme Court justice reflects on legal career in new interview
Applications to find next Lady Hale now open
Supreme Court looks to fill top judicial spots created by trio of 2020 retirements
The best use of social media – 2019 edition
The vloggers, bloggers and Instagram-ers bringing the law to life
Charles and Camilla visit Supreme Court
Royal couple met Lady Hale, Lord Reed and support staff, ahead of top bench's 10th birthday
Husband and wife team sit on Supreme Court bench
Hale hails 'historic' occasion for Lady Arden and Lord Mance
Lord Sales sworn in as newest Supreme Court judge
Oxbridge double grad will take part in a special ceremony later today
Courtroom to catwalk? Lady Hale appears in Vogue magazine to mark 100 years of women in law
Supreme Court president humbled by role model status
Lady Hale attacks government ‘austerity’ policies
Supreme Court president in unusual political intervention
Judiciary needs to be more diverse so public don’t view us as ‘beings from another planet’, says Lady Hale
As profession gears up to celebrate 100 years of women in law
Lord Denning once told Lord Sumption becoming a barrister would be a ‘big mistake’
The revelation came during the Supreme Court judge's farewell ceremony this morning
UK Supreme Court judge Lord Hodge admits ‘naivety’ at attending Federalist Society dinner
He refers to his ‘innocence’ in accepting invite from right-wing group that’s helping President Trump pick top judges, including Brett Kavanaugh
Lord Sumption tells barristers they’ve been getting it wrong on legal aid
Maverick Supreme Court judge says state funding is essential for crime but 'discretionary' for civil work — and bar needs to accept the public think they’re 'rich toffs', however unfair that may be
Supreme Court rejects government’s appeal bid in Brexit reversal case
European Court of Justice will now look at whether the UK can unilaterally revoke its Article 50 request