Tag: Students
Feeling Important: Possible As a Trainee Solicitor?
TheTraineeComplex continues his bid to understand life as a City law firm trainee through reference...
Anthony Arlidge QC, 75, Ditches Judge Constance Briscoe For Wannabe Barrister, 27
In his recently relinquished role of Master of Entertainments at Middle Temple, Anthony Arlidge QC...
A G&T With @LegalTrainee Founder Izzy Abidi
Earlier this week I caught up with Eversheds trainee Izzy Abidi – the brains behind...
The Post-BPTC Files: Starting An Internship Aged 28 ‘Wasn’t The Life I’d Envisaged’ – But It Worked Out Alright
Editorial note: Last month Gemma Amran turned the conventional pupillage hunt narrative on its head...
Pupillage Portal Gets The Year And The Day Wrong As Chambers Make Their Graduate Offers
There was widespread disbelief earlier this year when, for the first time in its three-year...
Pupillage Offer Day: How You’ll Feel…
…if you net that elusive pupillage And if you don’t…
Five Ways Barristers Can Treat Mini-Pupils Better
As I continue the Herculean battle to obtain pupillage, I broke a promise to myself...
‘Does Grindr Count As An Extra-Curricular Activity?’
The other day, desperate for something memorable to put in the gaping ‘outside interests’ section...
Law Lecturer In Sex (And Other Stuff)-For-Grades Scandal
In the good old days, sleeping with a lecturer was sufficient to get your grades...
‘Ditch University Snobbery’, Says Lawyer-Turned-MP Whose Oxford AND Cambridge Degrees Helped Him Net Linklaters Job
There’s more evidence of the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do mentality that is coming to define this government in...
ADVICE: ‘Could An Artistic Legal CV Help Me To Stand Out From The Crowd?’
Dear Auntie Em, This post on The Student Room asking if legal CVs could be...
Lesbian Law Student Publishes Vacation Scheme Sex Diary
“Being a summer intern at a law firm is an exercise in gluttony and high-functioning...
Jobless Graduates Left At Whim Of Law Firms’ Make-It-Up-As-You-Go-Along Recruitment Procedures
Last month Kearns Solicitors placed an advert in Counsel magazine seeking LPC and BPTC graduates...
Making Sense Of The Mixed Messages About The Graduate Legal Job Market
On Monday I read a piece in The Lawyer about the encouraging recent trainee retention...
ADVICE: Are Big Law Firms Still Old Boys’ Clubs?
I received this email from a prospective Open University law student the other day… My...
COMPETITION: 2,000 Words On Legal Education Wins £500, 500 Words Wins a Matching Cap And T-Shirt Set…
The Junior Lawyers Division of the Law Society (JLD) has launched an essay competition for...
Get a Training Contract Or Get Deported: The Fate Of The Foreign Law Graduate In The UK
If, like me, you’re not British or European and are applying for training contracts, you...
PODCAST: The Future Of Legal Blogging
This week’s #RoundMyKitchenTable podcast guest, City University’s Emily Allbon (pictured), is one of the pioneers...
A Neat Solution To The Legal Education And Training Puzzle
At the end of the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR) symposium yesterday, I got...
Bar Social Mobility Week: Northerners Need Not Apply
This week is Bar social mobility placement week, with 69 high-achieving students from low-performing state...
‘If At First You Don’t Succeed, Just Give Up’
Accepting you’re not going to get a pupillage can take more courage than blindly persisting...