Tag: Students

Are the Inner Temple toilets still a leading cottaging hotspot?

Readers may recall the spot of bother Inner Temple had last year with cottagers, who...

May 28 2013 2:00pm

Video: the Downfall of Chris Grayling

Justice secretary Chris Grayling has become the latest victim of the Downfall meme, in which...

May 28 2013 8:29am

Obscenity Lawyer: How to create a niche doing something you’re passionate about

As you’d expect, Myles Jackman – aka “Obscenity Lawyer” – has some great stories. My...

May 24 2013 11:21am

‘Never be too rigid in your thinking’

My careers guidance went something like this, writes Silverman Sherliker partner Jennie Kreser in the...

May 24 2013 8:06am

6 animals that look like Chris Grayling

Some have lampooned Chris Grayling for his lack of a legal qualification. Others have sought...

May 23 2013 2:04pm

Going, going, gone – to the person with £2,660 to blow on legal work experience

Westminster School has completed its controversial auction of work experience at the criminal Bar, with...

May 23 2013 7:12am

In pictures: today’s legal aid protest

This morning’s demonstration against the government’s legal aid proposals saw 500 plus lawyers take to...

May 22 2013 2:10pm

‘The tide may flood law firms, but I remain unconvinced that it will engulf the Bar’

The profession which I am to join in September as a pupil barrister is facing...

May 22 2013 9:22am

Legal Tumblrs: Because lawyers can do LOLcats too

Tumblr, the home of the animated gif and the LOLcat, is suddenly everywhere following its...

May 21 2013 1:37pm

‘New Fathers 4 Justice’ set to disrupt London Legal Walk

Protest group New Fathers 4 Justice is promising to send a team of superheroes to...

May 20 2013 12:52pm

‘Why I turned down a place to study law at Manchester University to become a legal executive’

Is Rhys Bevan crazy? Why would anyone in their right mind reject a place at...

May 17 2013 2:10pm

‘I’ve come quite a long way since leaving Hull University with a Desmond’

In the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I know now’ series,...

May 17 2013 9:41am

‘I won’t be working for a corporation that views defendants as tongue-and-rectum sausage pate to be stuffed through the machine’

A rookie criminal barrister contemplates an uncertain future… The spirit of Thatcherism looms large over...

May 16 2013 1:37pm

BSB powerless to intervene in Westminster School’s mini-pupillage auction

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has said that there is nothing it can do to...

May 15 2013 9:43am

How to write a successful law blog – and land a job off the back of it

As Hardwicke Building found out last week, lawyers who enjoy writing in their free time...

May 14 2013 1:46pm

When a covering letter crosses the line from charmingly quirky to wacky

In a tough graduate law job market, there’s an argument for injecting a little personality...

May 13 2013 11:22am

‘Despite their unbridled ambition and long hours, my Clifford Chance contemporaries ended up leaving too’

In the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I know now’ series,...

May 10 2013 12:04pm

BSB: Ethics exam that contained mock paper questions is ‘not invalid’

Finally, a month and a half after the infamous Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) ethics...

May 9 2013 3:02pm

Westminster School auctions a mini-pupillage – current bid £750

Struggling to secure work experience in the ultra-competitive environment of the Bar? Well, thanks to...

May 8 2013 4:15pm

Too much education: why BPP is wrong to damn its graduates to perennial studentdom

A turning point in my life was when I ran out of excuses to do...

May 8 2013 11:14am

Guildhall Chambers becomes latest set to stop offering criminal pupillages

Bristol-based Guildhall Chambers has followed London set Charter Chambers in withdrawing its criminal pupillage for...

May 7 2013 8:45am