Tag: Students
Why it doesn’t mean much when the chair of the Bar Council says they want to cap BPTC numbers
Yesterday’s call by Nicholas Lavendar QC to limit Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) numbers has...
‘There is a life after the criminal Bar’
Weber Shandwick head of public affairs Alex Deane doesn’t regret his time scraping a living...
Can an Oxbridge law degree put you off becoming a lawyer?
Earlier this week a leaked email revealed that law students were the worst performers at...
Why the City law training contract recovery may take place up north
Last month, while killing some time after a meeting in Leeds, I went for a...
Law student sells soul
The soul of a law student has been placed on Gumtree…
Law students hit hardest by Oxford Uni email error revealing worst performers
A fifth of the students identified in an email listing the worst-performers in last term’s...
‘Unless your dad is senior partner you are the only person in your firm who truly cares about your career’
With work thin on the ground after the 2008 crash, corporate lawyer Danvers Baillieu found...
7 things that you should know about Clifford Chance’s ‘CV blind’ programme
This morning Clifford Chance created a stir with news of its ‘CV blind’ policy, which...
The strange case of the vanishing pupillages
In the most recent pupillage application round Weir House Chambers advertised for “up to two...
Before submitting your BPTC application you should read this…
Wannabe barristers who are due to submit their Bar Professional Training Course (BTPC) applications tomorrow...
Interview: Glamour model and law student Vanessa Knowles on her quest to bag a training contract
In autumn we reported on the glamour model who has used an Amazon Wishlist, and...
‘One might have been forgiven for thinking I’d set up a brothel’: 12 KBW rookie barrister slams King’s College after losing lectureship over his university appeals business
A rookie barrister has become embroiled in a very public war of words with King’s...
A Publicly Funded Christmas Carol: The competitively-tendered trial of Lord Chancellor Scrooge
WaitroseLaw returns with the final instalment of her festive fable (you can read the whole...
‘Training contracts were hard to come by: 147 applications resulted in 147 rejections’
The 90s recession proved a blessing in disguise for Lancaster University senior law lecturer Angus...
The Something Must Be Done Act 2014
Lawyer and blogger David Allen Green has had enough of tiresome legislation and meddlesome courts…...
This is what happens when law students who share a flat have a huge bust-up over a rabbit
A leaked bust-up between three London flatmates — who happen to be law students at...
How to speak lawyer: a guide for trainee solicitors and pupil barristers
The relationship between a trainee/pupil and their supervising lawyer is a complex one, fraught with...
A Publicly Funded Christmas Carol: The Barrister Hottie Ghost of Christmas Past
Waitrose Law returns with the second instalment of her legal profession festive fable (part one...
‘Turning a story round as a journalist is closer to the process of preparing a late brief for a trial than I ever imagined’
Changing careers isn’t easy, says Catherine Urquhart of her switch from journalist at The Times...
Podcast: Do you have a better chance of landing a training contract if you do your law degree in London?
The growing separation between recovering London and the struggling rest of the country poses an...
12 of the least glamorous court buildings in England and Wales
Certain courts will never grace the pages of glossy law school brochures — with good...