Tag: Students

Now there are 3 big law firms offering more training contracts than they did last year

First White & Case and Burges Salmon nudged up their trainee numbers, and now — Legal Cheek can reveal — Clyde & Co is increasing its quota substantially

Aug 4 2014 8:59am

A window into wannabe barristers’ torment on Pupillage Offer Day

Bag a pupillage and you’ve made it into the secret garden of the bar; fail and you’re just another BPTC grad sucker — no wonder wannabe barristers are nervous today

Aug 1 2014 1:45pm

An opportunity for law graduates on National Orgasm Day

Of course National Orgasm Day has a legal angle

Jul 31 2014 4:16pm

Death of the training contract — solicitors’ regulator reforms rules to boost paralegal entry

A key historic plank of the solicitor qualification process is dying -- but the training contract is going not with a bang, but a whimper

Jul 30 2014 11:38am

Law: the fantasy Vs the reality

Life as a solicitor or barrister isn't always what it seems

Jul 29 2014 9:18am

Can you help find missing Nottingham Uni law student Tom Nixon?

Police are appealing for information on the whereabouts of a missing law student

Jul 28 2014 3:37pm

Research: young barristers are much cleverer than older ones

New figures give weight to the suspicion that the senior bar is full of not-so-bright slackers from privileged backgrounds

Jul 28 2014 11:28am

The spiritual home of Wednesbury Unreasonableness is for sale

West Midlands cinema at heart of Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corp goes on the market

Jul 28 2014 9:48am

This sign for the toilets in the Royal Courts of Justice goes beyond everyday sexism

Female advocates, male non-advocates and wheelchair users are all flummoxed by this sign for the toilets at the Royal Courts of Justice

Jul 25 2014 1:55pm

Mayer Brown confirms drop in training contract numbers from 20 to 15 since 2012

Reduction in trainee numbers has taken place over two years as part of a bid to boost firm's retention rate

Jul 25 2014 1:04pm

The 8 most delightful vac scheme jollies of the summer

The City of London’s top law firms have, once again, been treating their vac schemers to some wonderful perks that may or may not prove to be a regular feature of their future lawyer lives

Jul 25 2014 9:22am

There is a real billboard advertising the services of Saul Goodman’s junior lawyer self — and the phone number works

Seemingly innocuous lawyer advert is in fact a clever publicity stunt for Breaking Bad spin-off

Jul 24 2014 2:03pm

God orders student to go to law school — but she wants us to foot the bill

A young woman in South Carolina launches a novel crowd-funding bid to cover degree fees after the Almighty provides career planning advice

Jul 23 2014 12:28pm

Punters ignore Law Society cheap lager deals — so it boosts prices

Photographic evidence proves that not even cut price booze can convince legal London to fall in love with the solicitors’ trade union

Jul 22 2014 12:06pm

Law students are pompous, anal bores with ‘booming voices’ — claims BuzzFeed as it evaluates undergraduate personalities

Journalists at London office of social news website BuzzFeed think people who study law are much less cool than them

Jul 21 2014 3:04pm

Law firm seeks to glam-up paralegal vacancy by pretending it’s a job in ‘The Paras’

"Fancy joining the Paras?” asks a Quality Solicitor franchise firm in Dudley, applying gloss to some fairly mundane social welfare and family law tasks.

Jul 21 2014 9:18am

Law lecturer lip sync battles are a thing

Lip sync battles -- as popularised by British comic Stephen Merchant, whose classic lip sync performance on the Jimmy Fallon show has become a YouTube classic -- have finally reached the law

Jul 18 2014 3:48pm

9 things not to do in a pupillage interview (if you’re an interviewer)

An anonymous bar wannabe draws on his recent pupillage interview experience to deliver some lessons to chambers.

Jul 15 2014 9:27am

Wannabe solicitor’s pigeon selfie job plea goes viral — responses roll in

Facebook post by Liverpool John Moores law graduate has over 7,000 likes and almost 5,000 shares -- and sees her inundated with responses.

Jul 14 2014 10:42am

Oxbridge and Russell Group graduates dominate latest trainee intake of top law firms

21% of 2013 trainees at top 30 law firms are Oxbridge, 58% are Russell Group -- only 15% went to other unis, with 6% studying abroad.

Jul 14 2014 9:20am