Tag: Students

‘Our job as litigators is to create risk for the other side’

Ahead of tomorrow's 'Commercial Awareness Question Time', RPC partner Simon Hart considers the skills needed to resolve City disputes

Mar 8 2016 2:58pm

Frustrated wannabe lawyer who can’t find job takes law school to court

Anna Alaburda takes on her former law school -- for allegedly misrepresenting its post-grad employment figures

Mar 8 2016 12:48pm

Aspiring City lawyers will still need to go to university even if super exam gets go-ahead

New SRA-backed proposals will remove the need for solicitors to have a degree -- unless they work in the Square Mile

Mar 8 2016 11:53am

ULaw’s triple advocacy blunder: three emails sent to LPC students warning of material prep errors

Free printing credits offered to appease disgruntled students

Mar 8 2016 10:00am

How to gold-plate your Pupillage Gateway application

Becoming a barrister isn't impossible

Mar 7 2016 3:34pm

Offensive tweets of Bedford law grad working for Mayoral hopeful come back to haunt him

Wannabe lawyers, beware your social media history

Mar 7 2016 11:36am

Oxford postgrads beat BPP bar students to win national LBGT moot comp

BCL-ers emerge victorious from field of 46 uni teams

Mar 7 2016 9:44am

Harvard Law School ditches official emblem after student protest

American law students have more success than their Oxford counterparts

Mar 4 2016 5:22pm

‘For clients litigation is just another business deal’

Hardwicke's David Pliener considers commercial awareness from a barrister's perspective

Mar 4 2016 12:09pm

Life as a law student as seen through Snapchat

5am study sessions, barrister rubber ducks and some other things

Mar 4 2016 9:17am

The definitive guide to university law balls

It’s that time of year again…

Mar 3 2016 9:28am

Supreme Court vicarious liability decisions to hit law syllabuses

Don’t you just love the living and breathing nature of the law?

Mar 2 2016 2:33pm

Durham students learn to think like commercial lawyers

Katie King heads north to attend Hogan Lovells' skills workshop

Mar 2 2016 12:34pm

Multiple choice questions to be axed from BPTC ethics exam

But that was how students got their marks?!

Mar 2 2016 12:12pm

Southampton law student turns on his own and slams arrogant wannabe lawyers

Fellow lawbies make him want to strangle himself with a barrister’s wig

Mar 2 2016 9:36am

Iconic blond person says First Amendment must go

As The Donald says he’ll change laws he doesn’t like, we wonder which other world leaders have done likewise

Mar 1 2016 2:44pm

There are two ways to become a serious injury lawyer: I took the scenic route

Fletchers' Adrian Denson worked his way up from slips and trips to big money cases

Mar 1 2016 1:17pm

Slater & Gordon remains tight-lipped over trainee lawyers’ futures in wake of £500m losses

The troubled PI firm enters period of "consultation"

Mar 1 2016 9:15am

Queen Mary law student missing in Slovenia since last week

The family of Domen Simonic is becoming increasingly concerned about the 20 year-old student’s whereabouts

Feb 29 2016 1:21pm

Video: Students grill legal education experts about plan to scrap the LPC

Wannabe lawyers have their say about the super-exam

Feb 29 2016 12:33pm