Tag: Students

Open thread: How do I get a pupillage?

Baby barristers advise

Apr 19 2016 4:08pm

Freshfields becomes first magic circle firm to launch apprenticeships

It could be set to offer training contracts in new Manchester office too

Apr 19 2016 12:04pm

Even Lord Neuberger thinks EU cases are boring

The hearings are “unexciting to the point of being soporifically leaden”

Apr 19 2016 9:10am

Is a 2:1 the new 2:2 for law students?

Miss out on Oxbridge and it's increasingly a first class degree or bust if you want to make it to the bar or the magic circle

Apr 18 2016 9:51am

9 revision tips from people who have nailed law exams

Trainee solicitors share their exam preparation wisdom

Apr 15 2016 12:49pm

Aged 16 I took part in a mock trial for state school kids, now I’m a pupil barrister at a top commercial chambers

The Citizenship Foundation's Bar National Mock Trial Competition helped launch Sophia Hurst's career

Apr 15 2016 10:45am

Depressed law student blew loan on replica football shirts and showered for up to six hours a day, but is now back on his feet

University provides “the perfect conditions for depression to thrive”, says Queen’s University Belfast second year

Apr 14 2016 2:04pm

Legal charity launches new family law focused social welfare pupillage scheme

Special two-year fellowship that will see successful candidates split their time between Bar Pro Bono Unit and chambers

Apr 14 2016 10:32am

Research: Medicine, economics and engineering grads earn more than those with law degrees

10 years on, male law graduates earn nearly 20% more than their female counterparts

Apr 13 2016 2:13pm

Solicitor General under pressure over blind trust disclosure

As students of equity & trusts will of course know, the arrangement allows Robert Buckland QC's financial affairs to remain secret

Apr 13 2016 9:40am

Why the challenge to create more female partners starts at trainee level

Millennials hold the key to boosting gender diversity in law

Apr 13 2016 9:11am

Research: top students from disadvantaged backgrounds less likely to apply for elite training contracts

'Contextual recruitment' needed to stop the privileged bagging all the jobs, says agency which developed method

Apr 12 2016 4:54pm

Legal academic granted permission to judicially review cancellation of controversial Southampton Law School conference

Exclusive: Freedom of speech row over cancelled "anti-Semitic" event to hit the courts

Apr 12 2016 2:07pm

Law students sent us some hilarious Snapchats

Sometimes for law students wine is the only answer

Apr 12 2016 9:07am

11 ways in which the teachings of Donald Trump can guide lawyers to success

Reinterpreting the preposterous Art of the Deal

Apr 8 2016 10:44am

Man behind criminal law syllabus shake up to face retrial for murder

An appeal by Ameen Jogee saw the law on joint enterprise drastically changed, but his fate still hangs in the balance

Apr 7 2016 4:07pm

Ashurst keeps 15 out of 19 qualifying trainees

79% of rookies stay with firm

Apr 7 2016 3:25pm