Tag: SRA

Legal Services Board delays decision to accept or reject SQE
Hold-up comes as group representing more than 4,000 legal academics urge refusal

No sanction for trainee solicitor who inflated billing hours
Tribunal finds rookie was not dishonest

SRA reveals SQE exam cost of £3,980 as it extends transitional arrangements in response to COVID-19
Total fee doesn't include prep course costs

Freeths partner fined £4,000 for asking derogatory question to gay trainee
Also breached accountancy rules

‘Can I do a UK training contract if I’m based overseas?’
We put one reader's question to the regulator

Ban for ex-law firm office worker who set up spy cam in Starbucks toilet
Antony Dines also said to have recorded colleagues at work

CONFIRMED: This is what the new solicitor super-exam will look like
Two-part assessment to come into force from 1 September 2021 -- subject to LSB approval

SRA defends decision to prosecute junior lawyer who lost work briefcase
Claire Louise Matthews has lodged appeal against strike off

Petition launched to add law student killed in drive-by shooting to solicitors roll
Barrister Sahar Farooqi urges legal community to honour Aya Hachem's passing -- but regulator says its hands are tied

JLD: Think again before prosecuting vulnerable lawyers
Open letter urges SRA to review approach where mental health or toxic working environments play role in alleged misconduct

Ban for SRA paralegal following child abuse conviction
He can no longer work in the legal profession without former employer's permission

Law course provider in hot water over ‘misleading’ ads
Claimed to be '#1 QLTS provider'

SRA: Trainees can qualify before completing Professional Skills Course
But must finish all modules within one year of being admitted

SRA’s go-to law firm won’t be punished over handling of missing briefcase incident
Junior lawyer Claire Louise Matthews struck off earlier this month

No plans to delay SQE because of Covid-19, says regulator
SRA responds to Durham Law School chief’s call for super-exam to be postponed in light of pandemic

Trainees should qualify on time as Professional Skills Course moves online, says regulator
Law school giants ULaw, BPP and BARBRI Altior make provisions to deliver large number of modules remotely

Domestic abuse support app and social care chatbot win SRA tech challenge
RCJ Advice and Mencap scoop £100,000 prize

Private school kids continue to dominate corporate law
'Much more work to be done', says SRA chief

Virus latest: Regulator to relax LPC exam rules
Law schools can apply to run assessments online to avoid delays, SRA confirms

Don’t let students sit exams at home, SRA tells law schools
Regulator says supervised assessments must be maintained

£1,600 fine for solicitor who forwarded ‘grossly offensive’ email to colleague
Paul Kenneth Breen was department head of Liverpool outfit when he passed on email derogatory to women