Tag: Solicitors Regulation Authority

Legal Services Board delays decision to accept or reject SQE

Hold-up comes as group representing more than 4,000 legal academics urge refusal

Sep 21 2020 11:22am

SRA reportedly probing Mishcon de Reya

City firm allegedly being investigated over two separate matters

Sep 10 2020 1:59pm

Top US law firm reports itself to the SRA after libel trial is Zoomed around the world

McDermott Will & Emery in hot water over breach of judge's order

Aug 7 2020 11:36am

No sanction for trainee solicitor who inflated billing hours

Tribunal finds rookie was not dishonest

Jul 31 2020 10:50am

Ban for legal assistant who lied about passing exams

‘Altered’ letter to show CILEx assessment success

Jul 9 2020 11:24am

‘Can I do a UK training contract if I’m based overseas?’

We put one reader's question to the regulator

Jul 1 2020 11:12am

Junior solicitor fined £10,000 over abusive messages to Bumble date

James Andrew Wilson reported himself to the SRA after malicious communications conviction

Jun 25 2020 8:42am

Ban for ex-law firm office worker who set up spy cam in Starbucks toilet

Antony Dines also said to have recorded colleagues at work

Jun 23 2020 10:21am

Ban for rookie solicitor who ‘falsified’ LPC certificate to dupe regulator

Kulvinder Kooner was applying to be added to the roll

Jun 15 2020 10:53am

Ex-Baker McKenzie boss who attempted to kiss junior lawyer fined £55,000

Amounted to serious professional misconduct, tribunal finds

Jun 12 2020 4:04pm

Junior lawyers call for super-exam delay as it warns MCQs may be too easy

War of words between JLD and regulator rumbles on

Jun 12 2020 12:03pm

CONFIRMED: This is what the new solicitor super-exam will look like

Two-part assessment to come into force from 1 September 2021 -- subject to LSB approval

Jun 8 2020 9:26am

SRA defends decision to prosecute junior lawyer who lost work briefcase

Claire Louise Matthews has lodged appeal against strike off

May 28 2020 11:20am

Petition launched to add law student killed in drive-by shooting to solicitors roll

Barrister Sahar Farooqi urges legal community to honour Aya Hachem's passing -- but regulator says its hands are tied

May 27 2020 8:55am

How the pandemic will impact future lawyers

Four speakers from different corners of the legal profession share their insights

May 22 2020 1:51pm