Tag: Solicitors Regulation Authority

SRA reveals further SQE exam dates
Confirmation of sittings beyond transitional years for 2023/4

Summerfield Browne, Trustpilot, and the SRA
'Law firms live by the sword of positive client feedback, but they also die from the sword of bad press', writes employment solicitor Chris Hadrill

What to expect as the SQE roll-out date nears
The law firms and legal educators involved in making the new solicitor training regime a reality took centre stage at Legal Cheek’s The SQE Sessions

Solicitor who assaulted female family member rebuked
Received conditional caution

Exclusive research: Law firms say the SQE alone will not be enough
Results of a survey undertaken by nearly 50 leading law firms reveal the new centralised route to qualification won’t cover enough ground and a more thorough course is needed

Law schools welcome first SQE students as SRA ‘looks closely’ at online exam options in light of COVID
Regulator remains hopeful assessment will go ahead in November as planned

Ban for ex-Herbert Smith Freehills paralegal who faked overtime approval
Claimed extra 260 hours over two-month period

Disciplinary case against magic circle partner who worked on Harvey Weinstein NDA halted over health concerns
Tribunal finds that proceedings against Allen & Overy's Mark Mansell represented a 'significant risk to life'

Junior solicitor suspended for six months after trying to hide email address mix-up
Harina Zoey Panesar-Jagdev escapes strike-off despite admitting dishonesty

SRA rules out Ryan Beckwith appeal
High Court had overturned SDT's decision to fine former Freshfields partner

BARBRI strikes SQE partnerships with Sussex Uni and national paralegal group
Tie-ups come as regulator defends super-exam’s MCQ format

Majority of SRA investigations involve male solicitors
92% of individuals struck off in 2018/19 were men, new report finds

Don’t just give SQE trainees ‘repetitive admin tasks’, regulator warns law firms
SRA seeks to protect rookies qualifying under new regime

Ex-Eversheds Sutherland legal assistant banned after faking manager’s signature
On CILEx application

SRA rebukes Reed Smith over rule breach
Global outfit 'failed to properly distinguish between itself and its connected practice' when dealing with freezing order

Slaughter and May partner leaves firm following internal probe
Regulator notified

Ban for former Travers Smith trainee who ‘misled colleagues’
Ex-rookie sanctioned over email to IT

Solicitor fined by disciplinary tribunal after failing to provide blood sample to police
Banned from driving for over a year

Solicitor super-exam receives final approval
LSB signs off on biggest shake-up to legal education and training in a quarter-century

SRA prosecutes former Hong Kong Law Society president over comments during public meeting
Lawyer and pro-Beijing politician Junius Ho is also qualified as a solicitor in England & Wales