Tag: Solicitors Regulation Authority

Court document reveals SRA was left over £17,700 out of pocket after Lord Harley redaction blunder

Exclusive: Regulator was unable to recover costs after ex-solicitor advocate's unsuccessful injunction bid

Oct 10 2016 12:58pm

SRA moves a step closer to killing off LPC and GDL as super-exam proposals gather pace

But solicitors' regulator performs U-turn on degree requirement

Oct 3 2016 2:50pm

SDT publishes Lord Harley re-hearing decision in full

Medical evidence was “insufficiently detailed and unconvincing”

Sep 22 2016 10:44am

Alan Blacker re-hearing bid fails

Controversial solicitor-advocate was booted out of the profession earlier this summer

Sep 6 2016 3:00pm

Judge fired for watching porn in chambers reprimanded by solicitors’ regulator

Warren Grant lost a claim for unfair dismissal earlier this summer

Sep 1 2016 1:58pm

The full Lord Harley SDT judgment has been published

Legal Cheek gets two mentions

Aug 11 2016 12:45pm

Solicitor Disciplinary Tribunal confirms Alan Blacker has applied for re-hearing

Colourful solicitor-advocate was struck off earlier this month

Aug 3 2016 9:05am

‘How kluntilicious ’: DLA Piper partner’s embarrassing SDT ruling published online

Nick West fined £15,000 after exchanging sexist emails with a client

Jul 26 2016 1:54pm

Regulator: Bogus law firm problem ‘not going away’ as report says they exceed 700 a year

And almost half involve criminals cloning the identity of an existing law firm

Jul 26 2016 9:01am

Lord Harley booted out of profession

Lord of LinkedIn slapped with £86,000 costs bill

Jul 13 2016 4:22pm

Paralegal and trainee barred from working in law firms

SRA takes unusual swipe at two junior lawyers

Jul 7 2016 2:55pm

City lawyer at centre of Legal Cheek investigation quits profession over CV fabrications

Ex-McCarthy Tétrault "consultant" claimed, among other things, to have obtained an LLM from King’s College and a PHD from the University of Zurich

Jul 5 2016 4:43pm

Sexist email DLA Piper partner fined £15,000

Nick West hit headlines back in 2014 after a number of derogatory emails between him and Premier League executive chairman Richard Scudamore were leaked

Jun 15 2016 11:54am

SRA delays super-exam decision until spring 2017

Final decision was due this month

Jun 1 2016 4:58pm

Barrister who accused Bar Disciplinary Tribunal of ‘lack of impartiality and independence’ has appeals booted out

Immigration barrister, and a former joint head of a chambers in Birmingham, has had two appeals and two judicial review applications dismissed

May 26 2016 2:06pm

Judge sacked for watching porn in his ‘private chambers’ reprimanded by SRA

Solicitor turned district judge was removed from judicial office in March 2015

May 25 2016 10:17am

Fake lawyer who was jailed for tricking high-ranking judges BANNED from profession

Mohammed Kabba received a 16 month custodial sentence last summer for pretending to be a solicitor during an immigration case

May 24 2016 1:26pm

Lord Harley’s claim for ‘interim relief’ against Law Society struck out by High Court

"Harry Potter" lawyer was seeking to restrain the release of six closed files under a freedom of information request

Apr 27 2016 5:43pm