Tag: <span>proctoring</span>

SRA: Online exams here to stay

LPC providers given option to continue with proctoring measures post-pandemic

May 25 2021 10:55am

BPTC student ‘forced to defer’ exams over fears she’d have to remove headscarf for male invigilator

BSB says proctoring partner could not guarantee female assessor due to increased demand during pandemic

Aug 14 2020 11:22am

BPTC student raises bias and privacy concerns over exam proctoring

BSB says online exams aren't 'discriminatory' but union have come out in support of students wanting to pursue potential legal action

Jul 23 2020 12:12pm

University of London delays LLB exams after students encounter ‘bandwidth difficulties’

Exclusive: 'Small minority' of undergraduates affected, says uni

Jul 10 2020 9:13am

Exam proctoring: a law student’s experience

As law schools shift exams online in the wake of the coronavirus, one aspiring lawyer reveals her first encounter was 'mostly positive'

Jul 6 2020 1:38pm