Tag: News
Adventures in law firm marketing
Spotted yesterday in fashionable London artist enclave Hackney Wick. In the interests of accuracy, it...
‘You need an offer…but you only need one’
It took a stint working in marketing, a brief spell as a criminal barrister and...
What’s going on at Tooks Chambers?
Rumours are raging about the future of Tooks Chambers. Yesterday Respect Party politician Lee Jasper...
JK Rowling slams Soho law firm — Soho law firm hangs partner out to dry
“To say that I am disappointed is an understatement. I had assumed that I could...
Legal job website of the week
“We don’t list law jobs everyone wants,” reads the mission statement of US legal job...
Cycling solicitor who jumped red light claims filming him is ‘against data protection law’
Woe betide any red light-jumping cyclist who encounters SonOfTheWinds, a YouTube phenomenon who spends his...
How to tell your parents that you failed your exams
Simple: present them with some even worse news to soften the blow… Hat tip to...
‘Your Barrister Boyfriend’ Tumblr names ‘the 21 hottest barristers in London’
A Tumblr called YourBarristerBoyfriend has produced what it terms “the first ever official Barrister Hottie...
Morning round-up: Wednesday 17 July
Now it’s Stobart Solicitors as well after SRA grants ABS licence [Legal Futures] Will Frankie...
All the ‘common sense’ BCAT does is increase the cost of qualifying as a barrister
Having just sat the Bar Course Aptitude Test (BCAT) — which must be taken by...
Yet another top barrister quits Tooks…
The exodus began last autumn when Tim Moloney QC, Adrian Waterman QC and Tatyana Eatwell...
Do the lawyers who are demanding that @Pippatips be deleted understand Twitter?
According to The Independent, Harbottle & Lewis is demanding, on behalf of Pippa Middleton, that...
Lawyer sues Apple for letting him access porn after typing error
US lawyer Chris Sevier has filed a claim against Apple for failing to protect him...
Spoof Lord Chief Justice application by Lord Justice Moses (aged 67½) — the full text
On Friday the Law Society Gazette‘s Catherine Baksi reported that Court of Appeal judge Sir...
Name that UK Supreme Court Justice
The 12 UK Supreme Court judges may not rack up Justin Bieber levels of views...
‘If I knew then what I know now… I’d be on my hands and knees begging my younger self not to become a criminal barrister’
The criminal Bar no longer offers a path to a nice middle class lifestyle, but...
The most warped employment tribunal arguments used by claimants to (generally unsuccessfully) hang onto their jobs
A recent tribunal which saw a teacher compare Jews to Star Trek’s Vulcans — and...
Client-focused lawyer abandons submerged Ferrari to get to hearing on time
Earlier this week photos of a Ferrari submerged in a flooded Toronto underpass went viral...
‘We don’t even want to know your grades’: Is this the future of hiring pupil barristers?
Exclusive: Outer Temple Chambers has launched a new approach to graduate recruitment, which it is...
Top lawyers’ faces on other top lawyers
We tried to come up with a good reason for doing this, but there isn’t...
Barbara Hewson’s defence of notorious age of consent article on Channel 4 news last night unlikely to win her pals
Human rights barrister Barbara Hewson’s decision to write an article for Spiked magazine arguing, amongst...