Tag: News
City law firms retain more qualifying solicitors than before financial crash
There’s good news and bad in the figures -- retention is rising, but overall training contracts numbers are still shrinking
Breaking news (er … wind) — fart clears East Midlands courtroom
It’s Friday -- so brace yourselves for a spot of scatological reporting
An LPC grad has made a gangster film about paralegals
Harnessing the drudgery of life at the bottom of the legal food chain to launch an alternative career
The Judge Rules: Politicians hate lawyers – and always have
A round-up of the party election manifestos demonstrates yet again that while the legal profession might have right on its side, the political establishment of all colours doesn’t give a monkey’s
Morning round-up: Friday 17 April
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts
Fed up with the grind at the English bar? Perhaps this set of Kiwi jokers appeals…
Pastafarians preferred, says an Auckland barrister in desperate bid to replace the last chap, who never fit in owing to odd film tastes
Birds of prey swoop into Inns of Court to protect bald barristers from seagull attacks
Life for follicly-challenged lawyers made a misery by London gulls -- but help on hand
Essex Uni law grad first over line to qualify as solicitor through paralegal shortcut
30 year-old narrowly beats gaggle of paralegals to equivalent means qualification that bypasses training contract
Clifford Chance cancels YouTube rant trainee’s Singapore secondment amid regulatory concerns
Fall-out from anti-West rant continues to cause magic circle firm difficulties
Law student hero of University Challenge has already bagged a pupillage
Cambridge Uni third year Ted Loveday secured £60,000 position with Maitland Chambers last month
Legal profession doesn’t rate Tory manifesto pledge to scrap Human Rights Act
Anger as Conservatives promise Bill of Rights and to reduce power of European Court of Human Rights -- oh, and hint at more legal aid cuts
Yet another copyright infringement has surfaced on Twitter
Is Tesos Express the best example yet of cheeky local retailers tweaking the tails of national and multinational behemoths -- and will they get away with it?
Social media goes wild for Cambridge law student who inspired University Challenge final win
Gonville & Caius College third year Ted Loveday hailed as a genius/heartthrob/all round great guy following virtuoso performance
Labour politicians don’t want to talk about their vague legal aid manifesto pledge on Twitter
Key opposition figures fail to respond to leading legal tweeter David Allen Green
Barrister plays leading role in poster campaign promoting immigration
Award winning lawyer warns that senior politicians of all stripes must guard against turning the debate “toxic” as nationwide message is pitched at public
Legal aid lawyers depicted as menage a trois loving superheroes in lobbying film
City law firms back star-studded cast in its pre-general election bid to alert public to dangers of cuts to system
BPTC is rubbish and needs urgent reform — say top barristers
Bar Council report lashes providers for churning out an expensive yet poorly regarded course -- and the aptitude test is equally lambasted
Law firm trainee diversity on the up, according to regulator’s figures
Smaller practices are outpacing larger firms, but across the board the profession is more diverse than the wider population
The Judge Rules: Why the Law Society won’t stick up for solicitor-advocates
A Bar Council report flayed solicitor-advocates for being rubbish and Chancery Lane sat on its hands -- all because it needs to keep barristers on side in the war to save criminal legal aid
Is there an unexploded Nazi bomb under your law firm?
Release of online bombing map of the London Blitz shows some of the world’s biggest names in corporate law could be at risk of being blown to kingdom come
Morning round-up: Friday 10 April
The morning’s top legal news stories and social media posts