Tag: <span>Michael Mansfield QC</span>

Michael Mansfield QC joins Nexus Chambers following mass exodus at old set

Exclusive: Top silk follows tenants out the door

Sep 6 2017 12:04pm

The great Mansfield Chambers exodus: 50% of barristers quit the set

Exclusive: Half of the members of Michael Mansfield QC's set have just left

Nov 4 2015 12:06pm

Four barristers quit Tooks Chambers as merger rumours swirl

These are unsettled times at Tooks Chambers. As we revealed yesterday, the set has withdrawn...

Jun 26 2013 12:01pm

Tooksgate: Michael Mansfield Releases Statement Saying He ‘Would Not Knowingly Have Become Involved In An Event That Charged Students’

Michael Mansfield QC, the star speaker at the now notorious paid-for pupillage application advice event,...

Mar 1 2013 1:10pm

Is The Criminal Bar Finally Eating Itself?

Forget the rights and wrongs of the decision by two Tooks’ barristers to start a...

Feb 28 2013 10:08am

Tooks QC Distances Himself From Colleagues’ ‘Ground Breaking’ How-To-Get-A-Pupillage Money Making Venture – But Mansfield Still Scheduled To Speak

On Friday we revealed that the directors of the company behind an event charging wannabe...

Feb 25 2013 4:11pm

Michael Mansfield: Women ‘Seriously Underrepresented’ In Parliament (No. Of Female QCs In Mansfield’s Chambers: 0)

“The House of Commons is not representative of the electorate,” began a high-minded letter in...

Sep 27 2012 9:39am

Morning Round-Up: Monday 5 March

‘This was a professional hit’: Michael Mansfield QC backs Jill Dando assassination claim – The...

Mar 5 2012 8:31am