Tag: Magic circle
Yorkshire solicitor struck off after charging magic circle rates
£750-an-hour for executing a will
Why ‘following your passion’ isn’t always the best advice
Law can be tough, but it provides a better grounding than a job in a trendy start-up, argues an anonymous magic circle trainee solicitor
Friends of Freshfields lawyer shot dead in Berlin are crowdfunding to help his family
Legal and other costs facing popular ex-solicitor's parents could hit £20,000
Former Freshfields junior lawyer, 31, shot dead in Berlin
Luke Holland, who was with magic circle firm until 2013, killed outside nightclub
Magic circle lawyers trained in pro bono housing law — as busiest London housing court faces closure
More mixed-up thinking from Lord Chancellor Gove
Former Allen & Overy solicitor Chelsy Davy joins ‘hedonistic vibes’ DJ collective
Prince Harry's ex makes next move after quitting magic circle
Why Law Students’ Cluelessness About The Legal Market Could Consign Them To Paralegal Purgatory
The other day I had a coffee with the guy who many of the top...
Chakrabarti Household’s Main Breadwinner Upgrades To The Magic Circle
One of the downsides of making loads of money as a top City lawyer is...
‘Employees Too Stressed To Eat Or Sleep’: Ex-Freshields Lawyer Goes Public On Life In The Magic Circle
The high wages paid by City law firms are a kind of “risk money” to...
Allen & Overy Solicitor Says It’s OK To Lie On Your CV
Allen & Overy solicitor Sheila Fahy has unwittingly provided wannabe magic circle lawyers with an...
Linklaters Pays Alistair Darling £15,300 For Making a Speech
As you may have noted from the extract above – taken from the House of...
If You Can’t Go To The Best Uni In Town, Should You Find a Smaller Town?
Following last week’s Queen Mary v Durham debate, I received this email from another student....
Social Mobility In Law: Linklaters Helps The Poor To Get £15K-a-Year Jobs In Its Print Room
Magic circle firm Linklaters has hit back at critics who claim that City law is...
Superbrands Top 500: A Worrying Signal For The Human Race
If I were to tell you that I like pizza slightly more than Cornwall, but...
EXCLUSIVE: Freshfields Celebrates International Women’s Day With Cake-Baking Competition
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, which has one of the lowest percentages of female partners (12%) of...
Freshfields Trainees in Pretend Homelessness Adventure
Magic circle giant Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer has given its trainee solicitors a rare break from...
City Pro Bono Falls: Airfare Savings?
As City pro bono hours drop, Alasdair Stewart of pro bono charity LawWorks is buoyed...
Pro Bono Plunges Across The Magic Circle
As the slashing of the legal aid budget nears, it has become common to hear...
Follow @cathrynkoz Cathryn Kozlowski focused on getting top music qualifications rather than top A-levels, but...