Tag: Magic circle

Yorkshire solicitor struck off after charging magic circle rates

£750-an-hour for executing a will

Dec 1 2015 10:58am

Why ‘following your passion’ isn’t always the best advice

Law can be tough, but it provides a better grounding than a job in a trendy start-up, argues an anonymous magic circle trainee solicitor

Oct 1 2015 9:55am

Friends of Freshfields lawyer shot dead in Berlin are crowdfunding to help his family

Legal and other costs facing popular ex-solicitor's parents could hit £20,000

Sep 30 2015 3:20pm

Former Freshfields junior lawyer, 31, shot dead in Berlin

Luke Holland, who was with magic circle firm until 2013, killed outside nightclub

Sep 25 2015 9:03am

Former Allen & Overy solicitor Chelsy Davy joins ‘hedonistic vibes’ DJ collective

Prince Harry's ex makes next move after quitting magic circle

May 29 2015 11:48am

Why Law Students’ Cluelessness About The Legal Market Could Consign Them To Paralegal Purgatory

The other day I had a coffee with the guy who many of the top...

Nov 20 2012 2:19pm

Chakrabarti Household’s Main Breadwinner Upgrades To The Magic Circle

One of the downsides of making loads of money as a top City lawyer is...

Sep 4 2012 3:27pm

‘Employees Too Stressed To Eat Or Sleep’: Ex-Freshields Lawyer Goes Public On Life In The Magic Circle

The high wages paid by City law firms are a kind of “risk money” to...

Jul 5 2012 10:04am

Allen & Overy Solicitor Says It’s OK To Lie On Your CV

Allen & Overy solicitor Sheila Fahy has unwittingly provided wannabe magic circle lawyers with an...

Jul 4 2012 10:22am

Linklaters Pays Alistair Darling £15,300 For Making a Speech

As you may have noted from the extract above – taken from the House of...

May 3 2012 10:27am

If You Can’t Go To The Best Uni In Town, Should You Find a Smaller Town?

Following last week’s Queen Mary v Durham debate, I received this email from another student....

Apr 26 2012 9:54am

Social Mobility In Law: Linklaters Helps The Poor To Get £15K-a-Year Jobs In Its Print Room

Magic circle firm Linklaters has hit back at critics who claim that City law is...

Apr 11 2012 9:08am

Superbrands Top 500: A Worrying Signal For The Human Race

If I were to tell you that I like pizza slightly more than Cornwall, but...

Mar 20 2012 10:06am

EXCLUSIVE: Freshfields Celebrates International Women’s Day With Cake-Baking Competition

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, which has one of the lowest percentages of female partners (12%) of...

Mar 9 2012 1:28pm

Freshfields Trainees in Pretend Homelessness Adventure

Magic circle giant Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer has given its trainee solicitors a rare break from...

Feb 23 2012 2:18pm

City Pro Bono Falls: Airfare Savings?

As City pro bono hours drop, Alasdair Stewart of pro bono charity LawWorks is buoyed...

Feb 8 2012 10:47am

Pro Bono Plunges Across The Magic Circle

As the slashing of the legal aid budget nears, it has become common to hear...

Feb 7 2012 11:01am


Follow @cathrynkoz Cathryn Kozlowski focused on getting top music qualifications rather than top A-levels, but...

Dec 6 2011 10:01am