Tag: Lord Sumption

Supreme Court judge expressed ‘relief’ at Lord Sumption’s resignation in previously unseen email exchange
Made public through FOI request

Lawyers left stunned after ex-Supreme Sumption tells cancer sufferer her life is ‘less valuable’ on national TV
Former top judge insists comment was taken out of context

Wetherspoon to remove lockdown sceptic posters — including one featuring Lord Sumption
'It is fair to say that a few of the comments are out of date', says pub spokesperson

Corona-vires: Lord Sumption gets his case law on as he and Lady Hale blast pandemic regulations
Cheeky bit of Liversidge v Anderson

Lord Sumption warns of ‘totalitarian society’ in latest attack on lockdown policies
Lockdown sceptic accuses government of setting fire to the constitution as it tries to rule by decree

Coronavirus laws a ‘secondary consideration’, says Sumption
Former Supreme Court justice says people should decide for themselves whether or not to obey the law

Will Lady Hale and Lord Sumption keep sitting as judges in Hong Kong in wake of new China security law?
Senior legal figures have expressed concerns

‘Well said, Lord Sumption’: Elon Musk backs former Supreme Court judge’s warning that lockdown breaches human rights
Mighty tech and legal minds unite

Hale takes subtle swipe at Sumption over suggestion it will take 50 years to achieve gender equality across judiciary
Outspoken ex-Supreme Court judge made controversial comments in 2015

‘Not on your life!’ Lord Sumption rules out move into politics
Ex-Supreme Court justice's comments came during final BBC Reith Lecture

Lord Sumption: Theresa May deserves ‘respect’ but Boris Johnson’s a ‘clown’
Recently retired Supreme Court justice slams hard Brexit 'fanatics'

Lord Denning once told Lord Sumption becoming a barrister would be a ‘big mistake’
The revelation came during the Supreme Court judge's farewell ceremony this morning

Lord Sumption tells barristers they’ve been getting it wrong on legal aid
Maverick Supreme Court judge says state funding is essential for crime but 'discretionary' for civil work — and bar needs to accept the public think they’re 'rich toffs', however unfair that may be

To become a lawyer don’t study law, says Supreme Court’s Lord Sumption — do history, classics, economics or languages instead
Top judge backs law conversion route

BBC to broadcast lectures on law and politics by Lord Sumption
Outspoken Supreme Court justice will be the 2019 Reith Lecturer
King’s College London law lecturer compares Lord Sumption to Lord Denning in new research about the Supreme Court judge’s ‘individuality’
The paper starts with a Monty Python quote
Lord Sumption slams TWO of his fellow judges in strongly-worded contract law speech
And then goes on to confess his love for dictionaries
What is going on with Lord Sumption’s ties?
World goes crazy over justice's fashion choices, but it's Lord Pannick QC who really steals the Brexit Supreme Court show
Lord Sumption tells aspiring lawyers not to do a law degree
Do a history degree instead, says the history graduate