Tag: Legal Services Board

Chair of legal super-regulator steps down with immediate effect
Personal considerations

Super regulator rubber-stamps 200% hike in compensation fund contributions for solicitors
Plug funding gap following closure of Axion Ince

Super regulator to review guidance on lawyer AI training
LSB writes to Lord Chancellor and tech minister

Super regulator probes events leading up to SRA’s closure of Axiom Ince
Important for public confidence, says LSB

Super regulator to probe lawyers’ misuse of NDAs
LSB keen to hear from legal professionals and those exploited by gagging clauses

Super-regulator approves new rules to stamp out toxic law firm culture
New requirement to treat employees fairly, and for managers to challenge any unfair treatment

Super regulator sides with pupillage seekers in row over rejection by silence
Follows letter from wannabe barrister first reported by Legal Cheek

Solicitor super-exam receives final approval
LSB signs off on biggest shake-up to legal education and training in a quarter-century

Legal Services Board delays decision to accept or reject SQE
Hold-up comes as group representing more than 4,000 legal academics urge refusal

No plans to delay SQE because of Covid-19, says regulator
SRA responds to Durham Law School chief’s call for super-exam to be postponed in light of pandemic

Legal Services Board: super-exam isn’t a done deal
Super-regulator flags concerns over quality and cost

Junior lawyers seek to have approval of the SQE overturned
Letter to Justice Committee aims to skewer super-exam

Barrister training overhaul receives legal watchdog approval
Two-part BPTC a step closer

Legal watchdog moves to quell MPs’ super-exam fears after dismissing calls to delay approval
SQE received provisional go-ahead last month
Professional bodies over-taxing solicitors to tune of £2.4 million, says top regulator
Practising fee remains steady despite tumbling Solicitor Regulation Authority costs, as Law Society wants a bigger slice of pie