Tag: Legal affairs

Bank Holiday round-up
The top legal affairs news stories from the long weekend

The need for an international right to obscurity
With the internet more accessible than ever, Edinburgh Napier law student Lewis Hay calls for a more uniform and transparent approach
Monday morning round-up
The top legal affairs news stories from this morning and the weekend
Bank Holiday round-up
The top legal affairs news stories from the long weekend

#SaveColin or #FreeCuthbert? The case of the caterpillar cakes
Southampton University law graduate Sammy Hacklett unpicks Thursday's tasty IP claim brought by M&S against Aldi
Monday morning round-up
The top legal affairs news stories from this morning and the weekend

‘Loot boxes’: Blurring the lines between gaming and gambling?
Cardiff University law graduate and aspiring barrister Samuel Jenkins on why increased regulation is inevitable

The future of cryptocurrency
Pinsent Masons paralegal Shanelle Mattu tracks the evolution of currency and considers whether crypto assets are the future of money

Sustainability or spin? Greenwashing and the law
LSE law graduate and future trainee Matthew Unsworth takes a look at how competition authorities are responding to misleading eco claims

What the non-fungible token craze means for IP law
Non-fungible tokens have become an unlikely innovator in the art world; Bristol University student William Holmes explains why IP law may have to respond

How Brunelleschi’s boat is shaping the future of AI
Bristol University student and future trainee William Holmes explains how the Italian Renaissance has informed modern IP law
Monday morning round-up
The top legal affairs news stories from this morning and the weekend

The ‘cab-rank’ rule — an ethical conundrum
Aspiring barrister Benjamin Ramsey explores the recent events involving Dinah Rose QC and David Perry QC

What is Queen’s consent and why it matters
First-year law student Michal Smigla explores the obscure feature of our constitution and explains why it should be abolished
Monday morning round-up
The top legal affairs news stories from this morning and the weekend

Should NHS staff tackling COVID-19 be immune from negligence claims?
UCL law student Yanusika Srithar argues against blanket immunity

A brief history of legal aid
Oxford University law graduate Jordan Briggs considers how we got to a point where the civil legal aid system is ‘running on an empty tank’
Monday morning round-up
The top legal affairs news stories from this morning and the weekend

Article X: The right to environmental protection?
Oxford Brookes law grad Paul Wyard makes his case for a new standalone ECHR right

Ella Kissi-Debrah inquest: The case for a ‘clean air act’
‘Ella’s Law’ may well be the next step to combat air pollution in our busy capital, says Bar Course graduate Rajni Virk

Why Elon Musk’s pigs are a legal headache
Bristol University student and future trainee William Holmes explores the challenges ahead for brain-computer interface (BCI) systems