Tag: lccareers

Why the show will go on for international corporate lawyers

Take the world economy doom-mongers with a pinch of salt, urges Ashurst partner Nick Cheshire, this could actually be a good time to be entering the profession

Nov 17 2016 10:47am

Video: What Donald Trump could mean for the legal profession

Top lawyers and constitutional law experts discuss the changing political mood

Nov 15 2016 1:59pm

Students who bagged a law school scholarship explain how it opened up the legal profession for them

“A lot of people don't apply for the scholarships because they think they won't be successful”

Nov 14 2016 1:51pm

International law: an insight into life on the road

Is it as glamorous as it sounds? We spoke to Hardwicke barrister Frederico Singarajah to find out

Nov 10 2016 2:03pm

From trainee solicitor to pro bono manager

Becca Naylor’s passion for human rights has led her to a dream job with Reed Smith

Nov 8 2016 1:31pm

Top Norton Rose Fulbright competition partner calls on lawyers of the future to be agile and robust

Brexit and technological change set to be the big challenges

Oct 27 2016 2:35pm

Why open-minded law students will re-shape the legal profession

Accenture consultant turned LexisNexis director Nigel Rea has high hopes for the next generation of digital natives

Oct 26 2016 2:10pm

Video: How to become a projects lawyer

An in-depth look at the hot practice area of Brexit Britain

Oct 25 2016 1:11pm

Event: Commercial Awareness Question Time – US Election Special

Trump may not win, but the populist sentiment he embodies could have a far-reaching impact on the law and the legal profession

Oct 24 2016 12:55pm

Inside the legal advice clinic helping London’s start-ups

Legal Cheek Careers meets Ben Robinson, the City, University of London law graduate heading up operations at Start-Ed

Oct 21 2016 10:47am

A partner’s advice to aspiring female lawyers

Shearman & Sterling partner Susanna Charlwood on why her gender has never held her back

Oct 19 2016 1:11pm

Why it’s a great time to be a junior lawyer who understands tech

Legal Cheek Careers meets two solicitors leading the way in lawtech and fintech

Oct 17 2016 4:27pm

Always looking out for the next big thing: my life as a projects lawyer

As Theresa May prepares to invest in infrastructure, Burges Salmon’s Marcus Walters advises students how to get into this fast-moving area

Oct 11 2016 1:57pm

The quest to recruit more graduates like me

New PRIME chair reached top of Hogan Lovells the hard way

Oct 6 2016 1:29pm

Event: How to become a projects lawyer – with Burges Salmon

Commercial Awareness Question Time comes to Bristol

Sep 26 2016 11:29am

How students can turn Brexit to their advantage when applying for training contracts

There’s never been a better time to impress with your commercial awareness

Sep 20 2016 10:45am

Life at the law centre — A trainee’s perspective

A Q&A with Laura Williams, trainee at South West London Law Centres

Sep 16 2016 2:24pm