Tag: Lawyers
Research: lawyers most sought after profession for affairs because they’re good liars and pay attention to detail
Solicitors and barristers in hot demand on infidelity dating websites
What judges say Vs. what judges mean
"I consider this application, in accordance with the Overriding Objective" = "Eeeny-meeny-miney-mo"
Junior lawyer battles food waste living on a pound a day for charity
Corporate law specialist at Trethowans in one-woman challenge against modern world laziness
Freshfields first in magic circle to release trainee retention rate, with 85% staying on
Figure is a 5% boost over last year as 44 newly-qualifying lawyer are set to pick up £67,500 starting salaries
Tadpoles and pigs play key role in high street law firm paralegal hiring policy
"Insult to intelligence" critical reasoning test pivotal in determining whether you’re up to the task of checking land registry searches at west country solicitors’ firm
Two more corporate firms post strong trainee retention rates
Encouraging figures released by White & Case and Osborne Clarke
Ex-Shearman & Sterling lawyer goes viral with YouTube rap
Unlikely social media sensation of the week ...
‘Law Undergraduate of the Year’ competition removes minimum A-level requirement after Twitter uproar
AAB requirement no longer applies, confirms City law firm sponsor
Like the Ritz, Grayling’s embarrassing ‘Global Law Summit’ is open to all
Join the Justice Secretary, some arms dealers and Cherie Blair to toast the Magna Carta
Barristers bombard Guardian journo with spoof otter-watching texts after overhearing her mobile number outside court
Tedium of waiting for jurors to come to a verdict was relieved by a practical joke on a hack
Alternative careers: junior solicitor launches cat cafe to help stressed out students
Feline-themed venture by Maclay Murray & Spens lawyer could be purrrfect for beleaguered legal hopefuls
Do you even lit bro?
This lawyer has torn up the law firm profile rule book -- presumably with his bare hands.
Dentons merges with China’s Dacheng to become the biggest law firm ever to grace the planet
London firm quiet on prospects for trainees in wake of China merger
London office of US firm launches unpaid vac scheme-lite for first year students
Weil Gotshal & Manges cites an “increasingly competitive environment” in move to target ever-younger students, who will be working for free
£1,750-a-head Magna Carta ‘summit’ hijacked by legal aid event that costs a tenner
With delegate fees at more than £1,700, don’t expect to see too many young lawyers brushing shoulders with the PM and BoJo at next month’s official Magna Carta celebrations. But there is an alternative…
City law firm finally realises that trainees don’t know what ‘commercial awareness’ is
Hogan Lovells in bid to explain mythical concept to new recruits

Ex-Brunel law student scammed tens of thousands from migrants to fund gambling debts
Abdul Farooq admits being in cahoots with dodgy Border Agency official to hoodwink the vulnerable
Is this the most random Twitter hacking ever to have befallen a law firm?
Hill Dickinson’s Twitter account "hacked" by The Undateables fan
New full-length trailer for Breaking Bad spinoff ‘Better Call Saul’ suggests we could be in for a treat
Forget Silk, there's a new legal drama in town
Queen Mary and Reed Smith combine to launch sandwich law degree — with guaranteed training contract interview
The law sandwich degree is here
Spoof Fox News account fools Twitter with fake legal threat
If only this was legit