Tag: Keir Starmer QC

Wannabe Keir Starmers can live in his old student house in Leeds with two other law students
Recreate likely Labour leader-to-be’s university life
Keir Starmer QC turns down Mishcon de Reya job
Labour MP and Shadow Brexit Sec declines City advisory role owing to 'other commitments'
Doughty Street silk Keir Starmer is the ‘right person’ to get us a Brexit deal, says The Independent
Newspaper backs Labour MP over Tory David Davis
DPP Slams Twitter Joke Trial QC For Making ‘Cheap Points’ And Failing To Grasp ‘Sophistication’ Of Social Media Issues
Having narrowly beaten Kirsty Brimelow in the last battle of the top QCs, Twitter Joke...
Think Twice Before You Press That Retweet Button
The bit from Keir Starmer QC’s speech at the LSE last night that got everyone...
‘He Daubed The Word “Bitch” On Wall In My Garden, Which Doesn’t Seem Like Something The DPP Would Do’
The words of a former girlfriend of Paul Bint, the conman famous for posing as...