Tag: Judges
‘A barrister’s rhetorical flourishes can be seductive, but eventually they become an irritating distraction’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
Top Ten Funniest #Leveson Tweets
Amid the Twitter storm of earnest pontification which greeted the publication of Lord Justice Leveson’s...
Judge Gives Verbose Lawyer a Lesson In Editing
A US judge’s stinging criticism of a lawyer’s ability to write concisely has been doing...
US Supreme Court Justice Tells Sesame Street’s Abby That ‘Being a Princess Is Not a Career’
“Pretending to be a princess is fun, but it is definitely not a career,” explains...
How Supreme Court Justices Can Save Legal Aid
In these tough economic times, it would be a shame for those costumes to go...
Why Did The Criminal Bar Association Choose Judge John Deed To Deliver Its Annual Lecture?
Surreal scenes yesterday evening at the Criminal Bar Association’s (CBA) annual ‘Kalisher lecture’, which was...
Day Of Reckoning Arrives For Court Interpreting Company Which Offered Jobs To Animals
Applied Language Solutions (ALS), the gaffe-prone interpreting service awarded the exclusive right to supply interpreters...
Constance Briscoe Is Arrested
Judge and author Constance Briscoe, who is a prosecution witness in the Huhne trial, has...
Observer Hints That Solicitor Called ‘Chris’ May Have Been Involved In Civil Procedure Rules Breach. But Who’s ‘Chris’?
Yesterday may not have been the most relaxing Sunday for a mystery media law partner...
All 3 Previous Non-Lawyer Lord Chancellors Ended Up In Tower Of London, Lord Chief Justice Tells Chris Grayling
Chris Grayling, the new hard-line Lord Chancellor, isn’t the kind of guy who naturally elicits...
Who Said Judges Don’t Get Social Media?
The full transcript of yesterday’s annual press conference with the Lord Chief Justice is very...
10 Legal Twitter Names That Are Tragically Going To Waste – And 5 Gems Still Up For Grabs
@BrianLeveson @GraysInn @Judge
At Last, Some Good News For Jobless LPC Graduates: If You’re Convicted Of a Crime, You’ll Get a Lighter Sentence Than Other People
Last month, BPP Law School Legal Practice Course (LPC) graduate Victoria Lawson admitted stealing more...
‘If @TheDappy Gets Sent Down Today Then We’re All Gonna Go To Guildford Crown Court & Kill The Judge’
The brave new world of social media isn’t working out so well for judges. As...
Tweeting Like It’s 1984: Why Police’s Bright Idea To Ban Anonymous Bloggers Could Herald Orwellian Dystopia
Imagine a world where everything you say and write is stored indefinitely and attributable to...
Taking The Piss Out Of Judges To Be Legalised
At Legal Cheek, we enjoy taking the piss out of judges. Especially when they appear...
Judges Threatened With Disciplinary Action For Blogging About Their Day Job – Even If They Do So Anonymously
A magistrate has published on his blog what he says are new guidelines from the...
Dog Bite Judge Beatrice Bolton: ‘Judges Are Human And They Can Only Take So Much’
Former Crown Court judge Beatrice Bolton achieved fame when she stormed out of court after...
A Shaft Of Light At The Junior Criminal Bar? Why New Advocacy Assessment Regime Could Be An Opportunity For Baby Barristers
As the Quality Assurance Scheme For Advocates (QASA) consultation rumbles on, the latest concern is...
Blackmail, Inappropriate Touching And Assault, Amongst Some Other Offences: Annual Judicial Roll Of Shame Released
Most of the 79 members of the judiciary disciplined for misconduct last year were magistrates,...
Dear Lady Justice Hallett, Don’t Be Insecure, You Don’t Need Make-Up…
Judging by her blue eye makeup, I’d say that Lady Justice Hallett (pictured) is no...