Tag: Judges

‘Inaccurate’ media lead to judicial death threats, says Lady Chief Justice
Baroness Carr calls for 'objective and accurate reporting'

Should the Supreme Court hear more criminal appeals? The Law Commission thinks so
Part of a wider set of proposals by an independent body

Court delayed for nearly an hour due to jammed door
Files and lunch locked away

Overworked, underpaid and unsafe: judges speak out on life on the bench
Worrying findings in new survey

‘Silly examples of bad practice’ are no reason to shun AI, says top judge
Master of the Rolls backs artificial intelligence in latest speech

Lord Hodge to step down from Supreme Court in 2025
'Owe it to my wife to step back at this stage of our lives', says deputy president

Magistrate given warning for checking into court on Facebook
Also shared 'politically sensitive' posts

Charlotte Proudman’s incredible David v Goliath win
The Legal Cheek team discusses the big legal news stories of last week -- listen now 🎙️

Top feminist barrister blasts BSB after ‘Boys Club’ tweet charges dropped
Dr Charlotte Proudman criticises regulator as ‘unfit for purpose’ after tribunal dismisses disciplinary case

‘Boys club’ tweet lands top feminist barrister in disciplinary hearing
Bar Standards Board goes head-to-head with Charlotte Proudman, who accuses them of gender discrimination and double standards

Magistrate given formal warning over ‘ill-judged’ Taliban remark
Comment made in retiring room

What is a woman? Supreme Court hears landmark legal case
Top judges hear case on whether trans women can be considered female under Equality Act

Bus-ted! Judge steps in when witness tries to give evidence on a bus
'Plainly inappropriate'

‘Pause before you post’ — even emojis can land you in trouble, judges warned
New social media guidance

Swearing more common up North, claims judge
Comment made in ruling on employment dispute

Judge given formal advice over 17-month judgment delay
Cited additional judicial responsibilities as a contributing factor to the delay

Judge receives formal advice for ‘ill-judged’ humour
Left court staff member "uncomfortable"

Top judge to step down from presidency role after reprimand over love letter to colleague
Justice Marcus Smith reprimanded in August

Warning for coroner who described barrister’s submission ‘b*******’
Overheard by complainant

US teen put in handcuffs and prison uniform after falling asleep during court visit
That escalated quickly