Tag: Journalists

Ex-Daily Mail editor who wrote infamous ‘Enemies of the People’ article set to become Boris Johnson’s director of communications
James Slack replaces Lee Cain who resigned over night
Top criminal law professor’s tweet calling out Daily Mail Jo Cox headline goes viral
Tabloid reporting branded ‘disgusting’ by Twitterati
How Jihadi John journalist used law degree and barrister training to kick-start his career
University of Westminster grad credits LLB and bar course with putting him on road to success
Frustrated reporter blasts farcical court system in blistering Twitter rant
"The situation's really pretty bad"
I left Daily Telegraph over editorial standards too, reveals top law hack Joshua Rozenberg
Admission from UK’s most loved legal affairs commentator follows Peter Oborne's high-profile resignation from paper
The strange tale of the fake legal journalist
There’s an assumption that the journalists who churn out copy on behalf of corporate-owned legal...
New Statesman Readers Slam ‘Insolent Bloody Human Rights Lawyers’ Following ‘Shyster’ Barrister’s Pro-Human Rights Blog
Yes, that’s New Statesman readers… 1 Crown Office Row barrister Adam Wagner, who also edits...
Court Reporter Suppresses Giggles As She Describes Martial Arts Shopping Trolley Fight That Led To Cowboy Hat Urination Incident
Irish court correspondent Ursula McCarthy has somehow managed to (just about) keep it together as...
Top Ten Funniest #Leveson Tweets
Amid the Twitter storm of earnest pontification which greeted the publication of Lord Justice Leveson’s...
BROKEN: Legal Journo Tests Boundaries Of Meaning With ‘BREAKING’ News Merger Tweet
Yesterday at 5:17pm – a full three hours and 16 minutes after the announcement had been...
Interview: How To Become a Legal Commentator
Last Thursday, for the first time in ages, I bought a copy of The Times....
‘The Chances You Don’t Take Are The Ones You Regret’
Ed note: This is the first in a series of posts where leading members of...
For The Millionth Time, It’s MiddlesBROUGH! – London Lawyer Named And Shamed By Two Local Newspapers For Spelling Town’s Name Wrong
Adam Chapman, the head of public law at top London firm Kingsley Napley, has found...
Taking The Piss Out Of Judges To Be Legalised
At Legal Cheek, we enjoy taking the piss out of judges. Especially when they appear...
The Hazards Of Law Blogging When You’re Married To Boris
On Thursday, 1 Crown Office Row barrister Marina Wheeler wrote a post for the UK...
Berwin Leighton Paisner Trainee Posed as Evening Standard Journalist To Obtain Info In Olympics Dispute, Say Protesters
A trainee solicitor at Berwin Leighton Paisner has been reported to the Solicitors Regulation Authority...
#RoundMyKitchenTable: Orwell Prize Shortlisted Law Blogger Milly Bancroft On The Rise Of The New Media Set
On Tuesday, legal blogger Amanda “Milly” Bancroft found out, via Twitter, that she’d made the...
Radio 4 Legal Show ‘Law in Action’ Hit By BBC Cuts
Law in Action, the long-running Radio 4 legal programme, is to have its funding scaled...
The Times Mistakenly Features Barrister In Story – And 2 Days Later Still Hasn’t Removed Her Name
On Monday, Lucy Reed, a barrister at St John’s Chambers in Bristol, was surprised to...
Times Law 100: It’s Oxbridge-Educated White Men And Shami Chakrabarti, Again!
Another year, another list of the UK’s top 100 lawyers by The Times. And once...