Tag: Goldsmith Chambers

Justice minister hits back at Charlotte Proudman’s criticism of court procedure for rape victims
MoJ's David Wolfson rebuts Goldsmith barrister's tweet asserting rape victims 'sit alone, isolated, unable to see what is happening in court'

Lost luggage judge Peter Smith is back at the bar
He retired from the High Court amid controversy in 2017

Retrial ordered in ‘Lord Harley’ fraud case following dramatic courtroom collapse
Former solicitor-advocate remains in hospital

Rule-breaking barrister avoids suspension after telling tribunal her printer broke down
She represented a client in court without a valid practising certificate
Michael Mansfield QC joins Nexus Chambers following mass exodus at old set
Exclusive: Top silk follows tenants out the door
Mass exodus at Mansfield 1 Gray’s Inn Square as 20 barristers join Goldsmith Chambers
Exclusive: Just eight months after merger deal
Is Goldsmith Chambers barrister Dominic D’Souza the new king of LinkedIn?
Criminal lawyer wows 3,000 followers with eccentric profile
Lord Harley lawyers up in preparation to fight strike-off decision
Alan Blacker was booted out of the profession last week after a host of accountancy and dishonesty allegations were proven against him
Barrister fined £60 for using dead mother’s disabled blue badge to park outside court
Fraud specialist described it as a “moment of aberration”
Goldsmith Chambers barrister in tears after being found NOT GUILTY of perverting course of justice in cricket Twitter libel case
Andrew Fitch-Holland was accused of asking a witness to give false evidence