Tag: Exams

Civil unrest could lead to suspension of bar exams in Bangladesh
UK regulator 'closely monitoring' situation

BSB maintains ban on online exams following ‘clear evidence of cheating’
Pen and paper for foreseeable

‘Clerical error’ sees Glasgow Uni students given old criminal law paper
Follows earlier issue where they were given answer sheet

Bar course provider pass rates vary from 93% to just 22%, new report shows
More than half fail to score above 50%

Plagiarism detector Turnitin is developing a system to spot ChatGPT
Law students beware!

‘Bin online exams’, says top barrister
12KBW's Daniel Sokol voices concerns over cheating and the impact ChatGPT could have on degree credibility

Key to law exam success? Use the word ‘because’, says top prof
'I found myself giving the same advice over and over'

How I passed the first SQE
Aspiring solicitor Geoffrey Janes scored top marks for SQE1 and shares six practical tips to help you do the same

Kim Kardashian passes law exams
Social media icon completes California 'baby bar' on fourth attempt -- and with Covid!

SRA drafts in Exeter Uni to probe exam ‘attainment gap’
Deep dive prompted by 'persistent difference' in outcomes between ethnic groups

LPC students unhappy about return to in-person exams
Exclusive: SRA has told legal education providers to revert to face-to-face assessments

Bar exams: BSB stats reveal widely differing pass rates among providers
New figures -- focusing on centralised assessments only -- show average pass rates ranging between 92% and 18%

Oxford Uni confirms law exams will be online next academic year
They'll also continue to be open-book

The 6 types of law student you will encounter on exam results day
Which one are you?

SRA: Online exams here to stay
LPC providers given option to continue with proctoring measures post-pandemic

Here’s what a 150-year-old land law exam looks like
Courtesy of Middle Temple

Bristol Uni law grad, 21, becomes one of the youngest people to pass New York bar
Despite Covid-19 attack a month before the exam

From textbooks under pillows to the Legally Blonde soundtrack: Our readers’ weird revision rituals and pre-exam superstitions revealed
‘I used to watch Harry Potter the night before every exam and guess what: I have a first-class degree’

ULaw students face exam notes headache after proctoring switch
Exclusive: Law school says it's looking to resolve issues as soon as possible