Tag: Crime

The ethics of true crime content: a legal perspective

International relations student, Eliza Mahmud, analyses the popularity of true crime media and its effects on society

5 days ago

Liverpool John Moores law grad jailed over £1 million drugs trafficking conspiracy

Aspiring lawyer used alias 'Grapejuice' in encrypted chats

Jan 13 2022 2:53pm

Extension of police stop and search powers — radical or rhetoric?

It will further damage relations between communities and the police, argues Anonymous Rookie

Sep 26 2019 12:38pm

What role does China play in the world’s fight against cyber crime?

A shelter mentality to cyber security

Aug 23 2017 10:26am

Future lawyer daughter of top QC in acid attack shame

Emily Bowen's reported place to study law at Aberdeen Uni put on hold as she's sent to prison

Aug 14 2017 12:25pm

Diagnosis high risk: Why the NHS is a cyber criminal’s dream

Hackers are taking a more sinister approach than most people would care to imagine

Aug 10 2017 10:28am

Former Kent Uni criminology student robs robing room after posing as pupil barrister to get past Old Bailey security

He has previous for stealing law books from King’s College London library

Aug 8 2017 11:08am

Cyber crime: A bigger threat than terrorism?

Cyber attacks given same UK security threat ranking as earthquakes

Jul 19 2017 11:44am

Is cyber bullying a cyber crime?

The suicide of Amanda Todd shined a light on the issue, now we must act, says Andrew Chan in his shortlisted entry to the BARBRI International Cyber Crime Blogging Prize

Jul 4 2017 2:17pm

Dentons junior associate charged with extortion for trying to squeeze £160,000 from his OWN partners

Michael Potere threatened to leak confidential info, according to court papers

Jun 30 2017 11:17am

Police conducting drugs investigation search Herbert Smith Freehills’ Belfast office

Number of items taken from low cost support hub for further examination

Jun 13 2017 9:09am

‘There is no incentive for junior lawyers to qualify into criminal law’, says Junior Lawyers Division

And there will be even less incentive after MoJ pay reforms

Mar 13 2017 2:23pm

#TheAccused: Social media goes mad for ‘unprecedented’ Channel 5 criminal law documentary

We spoke to the lawyer involved in the case about his client’s trial by Twitter

Feb 7 2017 12:17pm

Aspiring lawyer charged with murder does NOT attend BPP despite LinkedIn claims

Law school says Carl Langdell "has never been a student at BPP University”

Jan 15 2016 9:14am

BPP GDL student to appear in court charged with murder

Carl Langdell, who launched his own law firm in August, suspected of killing teacher Katie Locke

Jan 4 2016 9:29am

Criminal barristers are paid £2.40 an hour but I still see why people want to do their job

Legal Cheek's Katie King meets a bunch of broke bar rookies -- and is charmed

Dec 15 2015 12:18pm