Tag: COVID-19

COVID-19: City law furloughs and pay freezes continue
Outfits take financial measures to protect jobs amid pandemic

Trainees should qualify on time as Professional Skills Course moves online, says regulator
Law school giants ULaw, BPP and BARBRI Altior make provisions to deliver large number of modules remotely

Paralegal loses job after saying Boris Johnson ‘completely deserves’ COVID-19
Criminal defence firm VHS Fletchers disowns former employee

City law firms introduce belt-tightening measures in wake of COVID-19
Furloughs, pay cuts and partner profit deferrals

Hogan Lovells makes training contract offers early as it cancels summer vacation schemes
Exclusive: Some candidates offered winter vacation scheme places

Eversheds Sutherland launches chatroom app to combat lawyer loneliness during lockdown
Open House features range of discussion areas including wellbeing, hobbies and kidzone

Top City firms freeze junior lawyer pay in response to virus pandemic
HSF, Freshfields and A&O among outfits to introduce belt-tightening measures

COVID-19: Clifford Chance summer vacation scheme goes virtual
New online offering to feature networking sessions, cooking and yoga classes too

Don’t launch solicitor super-exam during a global pandemic
Durham Uni Law School chief urges regulator to postpone SQE

Coronavirus has got nothing on the 2008 financial crisis, says ex-Clifford Chance boss
Tony Williams reckons the pandemic is less of a threat to law firms than the crash

Lawyers lead country as Raab steps in for hospitalised PM and Starmer wins Labour crown
Ex-Links associate and Doughty Street barrister in the spotlight

Trainees flock home to mum and dad amid coronavirus pandemic
Be a magic circle hotshot from your childhood bedroom

Video: Legal life before and after COVID-19
From City law to social distancing

‘Will coronavirus cost me my magic circle TC?’
I'm due to start in August 2022

30% of pupillage places in limbo, COVID-19 survey finds
Barrister hopefuls face anxious wait

Norton Rose Fulbright asks lawyers to work four-day week in response to virus crisis
Global giant adopted similar measures during 2008-9 financial crisis

COVID-19: What it means for aspiring lawyers
Commercial insights and careers advice courtesy of four experts

LSE law student drafts ‘Zoom Class Act 2020’ as lectures go online
Hung on her bedroom door

Law under lockdown: Junior lawyers share their home-working experiences
Some love it, some not so much…

Cambridge Uni law students express ‘serious concern’ over COVID-19 exam plans
Some undergrads won't be given formal 2:2, 2:1 and first classifications under current proposals

Virus pandemic: Why the UK must release immigration detainees
The detention of migrants who do not pose a risk is dangerous, callous and illegal, argues Oxford University PPE student James Cox