Tag: Court

Court delayed for nearly an hour due to jammed door

Files and lunch locked away

Feb 26 2025 11:01am

Judges told not to send convicted criminals to prison – they’re full

Early release and delayed sentencing on the table

Oct 12 2023 11:28am

‘Loud and obvious’ porn halts drugs trial

Lawyer blames hack

Nov 21 2022 10:40am

Former Eversheds trainee accused of raping law student at house party

Ex-rookie solicitor, who was suspended following his arrest, also on trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a second woman at same gathering

Oct 7 2021 5:02pm

Jury duty: reflections of a first year law student

Seeing law applied first-hand is an invaluable experience for aspiring lawyers, says law and history undergrad David Dee

Nov 8 2019 8:57am

Litigant in person throws White Book at barrister

Lawyer lent self-representing claimant practitioners' text at judge's request

Mar 25 2019 10:53am

The Trial: Lawyers react to new docudrama starring real QCs and an ex-Old Bailey judge

‘First major inaccuracy, it started on time’

May 22 2017 10:47am

Convicted: Man found guilty of sexually assaulting paralegal at Fieldfisher Christmas party

A trainee heard her cries for help and came to her aid

Jul 8 2016 11:45am

Judges’ Crown Court sentencing remarks to be filmed for first time

Pilot could see parts of high profile trials shown live on TV

Mar 21 2016 7:59am

What it’s like to do jury duty when you are a barrister

Hardwicke's Andy Creer experiences life on the other side of the courtroom

Sep 23 2015 9:54am

Why trying to persuade a judge that the authority of the law doesn’t apply to you isn’t such a good court tactic

Since enjoying a flurry of publicity after this memorable attempt to arrest a judge (see...

Oct 11 2013 9:08am

Has Sainsbury’s launched a legal services arm?

‘Sainsbury’s Legal’ doesn’t, of course, exist (yet), which makes this bail condition — which appeared...

Jul 1 2013 3:17pm