Tag: Barristers
Legal pic of the day
On today's centenary of the start of the first world war, this photo shows members of the Inns of Court Regiment being drilled in Hertfordshire during the conflict
A window into wannabe barristers’ torment on Pupillage Offer Day
Bag a pupillage and you’ve made it into the secret garden of the bar; fail and you’re just another BPTC grad sucker — no wonder wannabe barristers are nervous today
Judge told barrister to nip down to Chinese takeaway — for an interpreter
Glitch in outsourcing services blamed for lack of Mandarin speaker in trial at Cardiff Crown Court
Squatted magistrates court which hosted Occupy’s ‘trial of the 1%’ to become a luxury hotel
Two-and-a-half years on from the Occupy movement's foray into the provision of justice, the 1% get their revenge as spate of court sell-offs continues
Law: the fantasy Vs the reality
Life as a solicitor or barrister isn't always what it seems
Research: young barristers are much cleverer than older ones
New figures give weight to the suspicion that the senior bar is full of not-so-bright slackers from privileged backgrounds
The spiritual home of Wednesbury Unreasonableness is for sale
West Midlands cinema at heart of Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corp goes on the market
This sign for the toilets in the Royal Courts of Justice goes beyond everyday sexism
Female advocates, male non-advocates and wheelchair users are all flummoxed by this sign for the toilets at the Royal Courts of Justice
There is a real billboard advertising the services of Saul Goodman’s junior lawyer self — and the phone number works
Seemingly innocuous lawyer advert is in fact a clever publicity stunt for Breaking Bad spin-off
Throwback Thursday: Lord Denning and Noddy on ‘Jim’ll Fix It’
Following the popularity of the video of Slaughter and May in 1981, we have continued our trawl of YouTube and unearthed a 1985 episode of ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ starring Lord Denning and Noddy — which thankfully has a happy ending
Let’s break free from the cultural imperialism of US legal dramas and stop imagining that English judges use gavels
Even a respected broadsheet falls into the trap of thinking British judges bang away like their Yankee counterparts
A reading from the Book of Mitchell
Wigapedia draws upon Biblical inspiration to follow the twists and turns of the Jackson reforms
Transcript emerges of huge bust-up between judge and ‘breathtakingly arrogant’ barrister that has shocked the Court of Appeal
The Court of Appeal has torn into a criminal barrister and referred him to the Bar Standards Board for getting into a slanging match with a Crown Court judge — but what did the pair actually say to each other?
Research: lawyers face more pressure than any other British worker
Legal profession workers are massively more stressed out and pissed off than the average worker, a leading solicitors’ firm discovers after sending in the survey boffins.
Just who is Jeremy Wright? Lawyers have never heard of new attorney general
Dominic Grieve QC replaced by a non-silk who promotes his ability to video-conference with the best of them
In his own words: solicitor behind the viral 1981 Slaughter and May video on life in the good old days
James Mitchell — whose video of Slaughter and May 33 years ago went viral after being unearthed by Legal Cheek — recalls magic circle life in the dark ages.
9 things not to do in a pupillage interview (if you’re an interviewer)
An anonymous bar wannabe draws on his recent pupillage interview experience to deliver some lessons to chambers.
Dinah Rose QC to Barrister Hottie Experts: ‘Keep me out of your bloody lists’
Top Blackstone Chambers silk fires warning to Your Barrister Boyfriend duo as she joins Twitter ahead of Barrister Hottie 2014.
Law Society lays on rubber chicken for only 250 notes per head at ‘excellence’ awards
Despite trying to pitch categories at high street and younger lawyers, only City slickers look likely to afford Chancery Lane’s gala event
Barrister quits bar to become a barista
The tale of a lawyer who’s jacked it all in to run a café.
11 tweets from the #hipsterlaw hashtag that are probably too hilariously ironic for most lawyers to understand
A hashtag spawned by Sean Jones QC took off this morning.