Tag: Barristers
What judges say Vs. what judges mean
"I consider this application, in accordance with the Overriding Objective" = "Eeeny-meeny-miney-mo"
The Bar Council is giving junior barristers thousands of pounds to go to international conferences — apply here!
Up to £2,500 per barrister available to fund flights, hotels and other costs arising from participation in conferences abroad
Grayling Magna Carta party latest — win raffle to open a bridge
Highlight of Ministry of Justice’s controversial Global Law Summit to be a bottleneck of traffic in east London
Bar is ‘fantastic’ for working parents says Ed Miliband’s wife — but her chambers has just 17% women QCs
Justine Thornton's ringing endorsement of "family-friendly" bar not backed up by stats
Guilty until proven innocent? Ministry of Justice mistakenly reverses the burden of proof
Top legal tweeters Mukul Chawla QC and David Allen Green call out MoJ
Twitter shock at barrister’s triple ‘C-bomb’
Is senior junior at 1 Gray's Inn Square the most foul-mouthed lawyer on Twitter?
Wigs and gowns set to be this season’s must-have after Amal Clooney namechecks Chancery Lane outfitters
"I'm wearing Ede & Ravenscroft," quips Doughty Street barrister
Criminal Bar Association makes awkward U-turn over Global Legal Summit
Previous chairman described controversial event as Putin-esque; his successor is a confirmed speaker
Junior barrister arrested following death of boyfriend in Temple flat
Strand Chambers' Henry Hendron has been bailed until March
Barristers bombard Guardian journo with spoof otter-watching texts after overhearing her mobile number outside court
Tedium of waiting for jurors to come to a verdict was relieved by a practical joke on a hack
Bar Standards Board makes grovelling apology after being savaged by top judge
Professional body found to have withheld key evidence by Court of Appeal
Inner Temple claims to have the best male talent
Debating society has rehashed Beach Boys track ‘California Girls’ to promote male hotties at the Inn
Heartthrob Cumberbatch in shock revelation: he wanted to be a barrister
Actor parents of Sherlock star encouraged him to go into law, but the closest he came was to preside over Judge Rinder's wedding
Research: 77% of rookie tenants at top 30 chambers went to Oxbridge
Top end of the junior bar is dominated by Oxford and Cambridge -- to a far greater extent than leading law firms
A QC has made a lawyer version of Twitter with ‘moots’ rather than tweets
A new frontier for social media?
BPTC application deadline extended as website goes down on deadline day
The deadline is now noon on Wednesday
11 reasons to think twice about doing the BPTC
Thinking of putting in an application to do the Bar Professional Training Course before today's deadline? Read this first
Why the cab rank rule is history
There’s never a taxi when you want one -- the solicitors’ professional body says the bar’s regulation is arcane, irrelevant and reached its sell-by date
2 Temple Gardens muscles to top of pupillage pay table
As 2TG award hits £67,5000, Hardwicke and 11 Stone Buildings also boost pupil money triggering a potential cash arms race for top talent
Legal profession first — 2 Hare Court barrister reads telly weather
Criminal law specialist promotes second series of Judge Rinder by telling the nation that short-term forecast is going to be "terribly cold, terribly wet and thoroughly miserable”
Got a deep macho voice? Best not to become a court advocate, say researchers
Study shows that confidence is far more important than sounding testosterone-fuelled when wooing judges and juries