Tag: Barristers

Judges give Grayling a special birthday present — another High Court defeat

Justice Secretary gets slapped down again, this time over prisoner transfer reforms – but happy b-day, nonetheless, Chris

Apr 1 2015 4:14pm

Lawyer left red-faced in Facebook advert typo

Today's *face palm* award goes to a US lawyer in Maryland -- but, hands up, it could happen to any of us ...

Apr 1 2015 12:43pm

Former One Direction star Zayn Malik to be fast-tracked to bar pupillage (April Fool!)

Just days after jacking in boy band -- and with no traditional qualifications -- Zayn Malik has bagged a place at a magic circle chambers

Apr 1 2015 8:55am

Is this the youngest chambers pupil ever?

1KBW silk plonks the old horsehair on baby’s head in craven bid to win cute points from Twitterati

Mar 30 2015 1:28pm

The Judge rules: This is the end … for the criminal bar

Wannabe criminal barristers should “celebrate” yesterday’s Court of Appeal ruling by spinning the classic Doors song and getting pissed to Jim Morrison’s prophetic lyrics

Mar 27 2015 12:00pm

Revealed: How law schools’ websites looked at the dawn of the millennium

Throwback Thursday: A journey back in time through the World Wide Web -- law school edition

Mar 26 2015 12:31pm

Striking again — court defeat over legal aid cuts could see barristers back on picket line

Court backs government plans for massive cuts in number of legal aid law firms, reigniting fears that law students wanting a career in crime will have to rob banks

Mar 25 2015 3:42pm

Wig for sale on the cheap: one witchdoctor former owner

Freshly-called lawyers could save a few quid by picking up second hand horsehair that a bogus witchdoctor is flogging after £1 million swindling spree

Mar 25 2015 9:59am

How to become a QC at a City law firm

Herbert Smith Freehills' Matthew Weiniger QC found that clients were reluctant to instruct solicitors in the High Court, but not in international arbitrations

Mar 24 2015 11:25am

Leveson’s advice to wannabe advocates: stop bleating on about the blindingly obvious

On the eve of judging the Bar’s annual mock trial competition the President of the Queen’s Bench Division speaks exclusively to Legal Cheek

Mar 24 2015 9:14am

Celestial gods snub legal London – City lawyers miss out on eclipse fun

Eclipse? What eclipse? That was the disappointed chorus from the heart of the legal profession planet; but Faroese lawyers were laughing

Mar 20 2015 4:08pm

Lawyer fleeced for best part of €250,000 from client account in a scam as old as (Nigerian) hills

Irish high court stops short of striking off Dublin solicitor because he was depressed -- and paid the cash back

Mar 20 2015 3:13pm

The Judge Rules: Law firm websites – bring back the good old simpler days

Modern cyber marketing is flashing, but it lacks the individualistic charm of the earlier generation

Mar 20 2015 11:50am

New breed press body throws out Lord Harley complaints

Newspaper watchdog rules that two Fleet Street tabloids and a regional publication did not breach code of practice in reporting on the elaborate claims of one of the country's most renowned advocates

Mar 19 2015 1:48pm

1 Crown Office Row barrister in bid to become first Whig party MP for 150 years

Five years' call junior to run for parliament representing newly "refounded" political party that was dissolved in 1868

Mar 18 2015 9:01am

Outer Temple boosts pupillage cash by 40% triggering fears of award inflation

London set leapfrogs rivals as it charges near to top of national league table in remuneration for baby barristers

Mar 16 2015 10:42am

Wannabe barrister sparks newspaper letter row over Justice Secretary’s record

City University law student and local council candidate triggers defence of Chris Grayling in MP’s constituency newspaper

Mar 13 2015 3:24pm

The Judge rules: Legal profession awards — don’t they make you sick?!!!

They are professionally meaningless, expensive and at times messy -- but should the awards ceremonies be pensioned off?

Mar 13 2015 9:27am

Lord Harley of Counsel Vs Welsh Crown Court judge — full transcript emerges

Court report reveals that both sides were a bit shakey on their facts

Mar 12 2015 9:06am