Tag: Barristers
Former Attorney General records children’s bedtime story while in lockdown
Soothe your little ones to sleep with the distinctive dulcet tones of Geoffrey Cox QC
Drunk deputy head of chambers headbutted junior female colleague outside Calvin Klein underwear store
Details of assault conviction for suspended Rashid Ahmed now revealed
Meet the pioneers shaking up the legal industry
This month’s launch event shone a spotlight on stars from Cleary Gottlieb, Reed Smith, Clyde & Co, 11KBW and Obelisk
Remote hearings resource hub launches in wake of virus pandemic
Richard Susskind-led platform comes as lawyers turn to tech to keep justice system functioning
A poem: Rime of the ancient barrister
With apologies to the legendary poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Home-working Serjeants’ Inn QC drafts hilarious ‘legal notice’ to kids
Prompting other lawyer parents to do the same
COVID-19: Financial uncertainty and tech woes force chambers to delay pupillage interviews
But majority to go ahead as planned, says Bar Council
COVID-19: The toll on criminal justice
An already crumbling system finds itself in limbo
The 10 best legal social media users of 2020
Starring the 'vlawgers' and legal influencers bringing life to the law
COVID-19: MoJ lists which lawyers are ‘key workers’
Their children can attend school or nursery from today
Jury trials on hold due to coronavirus fears
Jurors summoned for this week told to remain at home
Barrister convicted of assault suspended for three months
Open to appeal
London commercial set reverses decision to cancel pupillage recruitment round
Henderson Chambers says it will now defer interviews until summer following discussions with Bar Council
London Legal Walk postponed until October
Coronavirus: Annual charity outing was due to take place in June
Chambers invites pupillage applicants to interview by mistake
Exclusive: Changes to Gateway system 'contributed to errors', says Temple Garden
Top London commercial set cancels pupillage recruitment round due to COVID-19 outbreak
Henderson Chambers says it cannot be confident video interviews will fairly reflect aspiring barristers abilities
Criminal barristers ask for early billing to ease potential cashflow crises
Coronavirus: Criminal Bar Association wants barristers to be paid before trials are over
Regulator postpones centralised BPTC exams
Decision follows new government guidance to combat spread of COVID-19
Coronavirus: It’s ‘business as usual’, says Supreme Court
Building remains open to the public and cases will continue