Tag: Barristers
Boost pupillage numbers by building a WeWork-style co-working space on one of the Inn’s ‘grand gardens’, says aspiring barrister
She accepts it may be difficult to execute
BPTC students hit record numbers — but securing pupillage remains a big problem
1,753 bar hopefuls enrolled in 2018
COVID-19: Mini-pupillages move online
Much like the virtual vacation schemes now being offered by corporate law firms
Doughty Street junior barrister launches first legal outfitter for women
'Women have been at the bar for over 100 years and men are still the default when it comes to legal dress,' Karlia Lykourgou tells Legal Cheek
Pregnant law firm partner calls out top QC for ‘every day sexism’
DWF's Naomi Pryde says unnamed silk contacted a male junior lawyer about her case, assuming she'd be 'indisposed'
New Instagram account allows City lawyers to anonymously submit their ‘juicy secrets’
'Magic Circle Confessions' launched earlier this month
COVID-19, tech and the SQE — the top talking points from LegalEdCon 2020
Prominent figures from the world of law came together, virtually, to discuss how the impact of coronavirus and an increasing reliance on tech will shape the future of legal education and training, Sophie Currie reports
Top chambers postpone mini-pupillage schemes in response to COVID-19
But some sets are offering virtual minis and webinars
Wife of 25 Bedford Row barrister reveals husband’s battles with racism in viral Facebook post
'People often assume that he is the defendant', writes Katie Lynch
Defence barrister fined £1,000 for ‘pulling faces’ at judge
She also described a decision as ‘insane'
9 things to think about if you plan to switch careers to law
Lawyers who’ve come into law from other industries share their insights
Henry Hendron wins appeal against second suspension
BSB concedes case on a technicality unearthed by its own barrister
Dominic Grieve is now a law lecturer
Ex-Attorney General will be a visiting professor at Goldsmiths
BSB: A response to BPTC students’ exam concerns
We will seek to ensure online assessment arrangements are fair for all, writes BSB director of regulatory operations Oliver Hanmer
David Lammy joins Doughty Street Chambers
Barrister turned Labour MP for Tottenham becomes associate tenant
BPTC students urge regulator to reconsider COVID-19 exam plans
93% of bar hopefuls surveyed believe BSB's proposals will negatively impact their performance
My electrician makes more than a junior barrister, ex-judge complains
Sir Richard Henriques aghast at tradespeople out-earning lawyers
Bar regulator’s COVID-19 exam proposals could prejudice female students
Former BPTC student and future barrister Sarah Ismail considers why
Family barrister becomes one of the UK’s first hijab-wearing judges
Raffia Arshad wants ‘to make sure the sound of diversity is heard loud and clear'
Petition launched to add law student killed in drive-by shooting to solicitors roll
Barrister Sahar Farooqi urges legal community to honour Aya Hachem's passing -- but regulator says its hands are tied
Cummings and goings: Did Dom break the law?
Criminal barrister Syam Soni casts a legal eye over Durham saga