Tag: Barristers
Battle Of The Top QCs: Kirsty Brimelow And John Cooper In Massive Twitter Bust-Up
It started with this proud tweet from John Cooper QC. Which was followed by this...
Why Unemployed Law Graduates Should Ignore The Trend To Go Out On The Street And Hustle For a Job
Earlier this week, a City lawyer told me that his firm had experienced a “surge”...
How Never Having Done a Pupillage Needn’t Stop You Appearing On The Telly As a ‘Barrister’
Over the weekend, David Neita, a self-styled ‘People’s Lawyer and People’s Poet’, was interviewed on BBC...
The Law Firms Which Owe £5K To a Barrister 4 YEARS After He Was Instructed By Them
Legal Cheek has obtained records that show the names of 15 law firms which have...
*Inns Of Court Scholarship Deadline Alert*
Wannabe barristers who forget to apply for a lucrative Inns of Court scholarship may find...
Stop Insulting Powerful People With Cruel ‘Twits’ Gibes, Urges Bar Standards Board Chief
Yesterday on her blog Bar Standards Board (BSB) chief Baroness Ruth Deech argued that there...
#RoundMyKitchenTable PODCAST: How The Disappearance Of Privacy Is Driving Lawyers Crazy
These days, lawyers seem to spend half their time trying to come up with new...
‘The Chances You Don’t Take Are The Ones You Regret’
Ed note: This is the first in a series of posts where leading members of...
Fake QC Who Offered Bogus Pupillages Was Campaign Manager Of PCC Candidate Mervyn Barrett, Claims Solicitor
This is one of those ‘Wow, just wow!’ stories. It has two strands, which come...
The ‘Hilarious’ Video Craze Sweeping Law
There’s currently a fad among lawyers to craft – and sometimes tragically star in –...
Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race Protester Trenton Oldfield And His, Er, Oxford-Educated Lawyers…
While the decision to jail Trenton Oldfield has been greeted with shock – the New...
Claims Consultant’s ‘Independent’ Pressure Group Seems Rather Close To Russell Jones & Walker…
Bully-Banks, the anti-bank pressure group founded by claims consultant and former barrister Jeremy Roe, is...
ADVICE: ‘My Writer Husband Is Demanding That I Do a Justine Thornton’
Dear Auntie Em, Since the Labour Party conference earlier this month, my husband has been...
How Weird And Frightening Should You Be Allowed To Be On Twitter Before You Get Prosecuted?
Yesterday’s debate on free speech vs regulation of social media – held at London’s Free...
Black History Month At The Law Society, Featuring Convicted Expenses Cheat Baron Taylor of Warwick
As the Law Society’s Black History Month celebrations got underway on Monday, it was a...
Why Did The Criminal Bar Association Choose Judge John Deed To Deliver Its Annual Lecture?
Surreal scenes yesterday evening at the Criminal Bar Association’s (CBA) annual ‘Kalisher lecture’, which was...
Knowing Me Alan Partridge, Knowing You Norfolk Poly: Why Cheesy £350 UCAS Statements Will Only Take You So Far
Yesterday The Observer announced it had “discovered” that sixth-formers are paying up to £350 for...
Day Of Reckoning Arrives For Court Interpreting Company Which Offered Jobs To Animals
Applied Language Solutions (ALS), the gaffe-prone interpreting service awarded the exclusive right to supply interpreters...
Barrister Who Was Rebuked For Impersonating Top QC Points Finger At BSB After He’s Fined For Working Illegally
Cardiff-based barrister David Leathley, who spent almost £50,000 unsuccessfully fighting claims he posed as Joel...
Through The Keyhole Of Matrix Barrister Thomas Kibling’s Spectacular East London Home
Matrix employment law barrister Thomas Kibling has a very cool pad…
Entry To The Bar: ‘Let The Cream Rise To The Top’
OccupyTheInns disagrees with the call made by Mr Justice Burton at Saturday’s Young Bar Conference...