Tag: Barristers
‘Beautician Barrister’ Ditches BPP Law School To Do Bar Professional Training Course At Rival
Back in 2009, Essex beautician Georgina Blackwell caused a media storm when, without any legal...
Fighting The ‘Facebook Mentality’: Why Barristers Should Be Proud Of Their Refusal To ‘Share’ Diversity Data
I see barristers’ refusal to embrace diversity monitoring has been described as “embarrassing” and “pathetic”....
JOB ALERT: Clinical Negligence Paralegal
From Baby Barristers: a top London law firm seeks a paralegal for its clinical negligence...
Why Doing The Bar Professional Training Course And Not Becoming A Barrister Isn’t Necessarily A Bad Thing
Yesterday I met up with top legal blogger Charon QC, who is currently touring the...
Meet The ‘UK’s Top Barrister’…
The website TopCriminalQC.co.uk seems like a spoof. But Michael Wolkind QC’s chambers, 2 Bedford Row,...
Meet The ‘UK’s Top Barrister’…
The website TopCriminalQC.co.uk seems like a spoof. But Michael Wolkind QC’s chambers, 2 Bedford Row,...
Why Wannabe Lawyers Should Learn To ‘Pivot’
Initially, I wasn’t sure about applying this idea to the realm of legal careers –...
Better Late Than Never: Lawyers – Gangnam Style
Yesterday University of Southampton law student Tommy Chuang released ‘Lawyer Style’ – as far as...
The 4 Bits Of The Bar Council Chair’s Inaugural Speech That Matter For Junior Barristers And Bar Wannabes
Last night’s speech by incoming Bar Council chair Maura McGowan QC was full of diplomatic...
Will The ‘New Twitter’ Take Off Among Lawyers?
Back in 2008-09, the legal tweeting community was widely looked down upon, its members derided...
39 Essex Street Barrister Justine Thornton Unveils Her Christmas Card
Pictured alongside hubby Ed, a politician, and her two young sons, the Thornton family’s main...
‘A barrister’s rhetorical flourishes can be seductive, but eventually they become an irritating distraction’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
Power Shift To The (Mid-Level) People Set To Herald Rise Of The ‘Indie Lawyer’
Social media is giving individual solicitors and barristers a voice and helping them to develop...
‘Part The Crowds, Barrister Coming Through!’ – The Real Reasons Behind The Bar’s Love Of Wigs And Gowns
It is easy to scoff at barristers in our itchy wigs and fraying gowns. Horse...
What Will Replace The Fading Dreams Of City Law Megabucks And Criminal Bar Glamour?
This is the central question that the panel will be discussing at Legal Cheek‘s Google...
Times Law Cartoonist: ‘I Have To Pay To Read My Own Cartoons Behind The Paywall’
This is – as a UK-based foreign football manager might say – a difficult moment for...
Dinah Rose QC: ‘Marrying A Male Barrister Is A Disaster’
“Marry a house-husband! A 1950s-style wife – someone to have dinner on the table!” Dinah...
Leveson And The Internet: Would Regulation Be A Good Thing For Legal Bloggers?
There was a brilliant cartoon in The Sun over the weekend making light of the...
‘So Why Be A Lawyer? There Are Many Bad Reasons…’
Ed note: This is the sixth in a series of posts where leading members of...
Top Ten Funniest #Leveson Tweets
Amid the Twitter storm of earnest pontification which greeted the publication of Lord Justice Leveson’s...
BPP Law School Makes BPTC Student Resit Exams After Her Results Were Lost (And It Almost Remains A Secret)
BPP Law School generally does a good job of, er, ‘managing its reputation’. But even...