Tag: Bar Council

COVID-19: MoJ lists which lawyers are ‘key workers’
Their children can attend school or nursery from today

London commercial set reverses decision to cancel pupillage recruitment round
Henderson Chambers says it will now defer interviews until summer following discussions with Bar Council

Skype hearings require ‘more careful thought’ — regardless of benefit to barristers
'Communicating with someone on a screen just isn’t the same', says Bar Council bigwig Athena Markides

BSB delays introduction of compulsory pupillage contracts aimed at tackling ‘inappropriate behaviour’
More time needed, says regulator

Bar Council calls out ‘truly shocking’ treatment of pupil barristers
Representative body wants mandatory pupillage contracts to help curb 'abusive' behaviour

Legal profession launches gender equality pledge
Signatories commit to supporting women into top lawyer roles

‘I felt hopeless and isolated’: Barrister opens up about battle with alcoholism
A candid account of one lawyer's journey to sobriety

Pupillage Gateway deadline extended AGAIN in wake of IT problems
Aspiring barristers now have until 11am Monday to submit applications

The best use of social media – 2019 edition
The vloggers, bloggers and Instagram-ers bringing the law to life

Pupillage Gateway deadline extended as system struggles to cope with ‘unprecedented levels of traffic’
Aspiring barristers now have until 1:30pm today
Don’t feel obliged to respond to emails after 7pm, bar chief tells barristers
Richard Atkins QC says '24/7 365 days a year culture' is damaging lawyer wellbeing

Incoming bar chief throws support behind Inns of Court BPTC
Training shake-up 'marvellous development', says Richard Atkins QC

Bar Council launches support hotline for stressed barristers
New wellbeing initiative also includes self-help programmes, fact sheets and videos

Bar Council slams plan to allow solicitors to qualify as barristers without pupillage
Regulator's proposal could also include law lecturers

Research: Bullying rife at criminal bar; less common among commercial barristers
Reported observations of harassment soar across newly-woke bar

Pro no-no: Two thirds of criminal barristers work at least a day a week unpaid
And they say it's because solicitors are doing less work, new report suggests

Carry on dining: Inns of Court qualifying sessions here to stay, says bar regulator
But more should be held outside London

Don’t ditch dining! Inns of Court give wannabe barristers opportunity to mingle, says Bar Council
But BSB proposals could call time on compulsory qualifying sessions