Tag: Bar

New report reveals 34% pay gap between male and female barristers
Pay disparity remains substantial despite narrowing slightly

Meet the aspiring barrister hoping to dismantle barriers and bring disability to the bar
BDABar founder Konstantina Nouka chats to Legal Cheek about her aims for the future

Barrister apprenticeships? Quite possibly says pupillage expert
There are barriers to overcome, but these are not 'insurmountable'

#MyRoutetotheBar: Tweeting barristers share their unconventional career paths
Features advice from a former window cleaner, lifeguard and nightclub DJ
‘I’m Glad I Didn’t Know Some Things I Said In Court Were Prattish: Ignorance Gives You The Freedom To Experiment’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
‘It Has Taken Me Almost A Decade To Drop My Non-Public School Chippiness’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
The 4 Bits Of The Bar Council Chair’s Inaugural Speech That Matter For Junior Barristers And Bar Wannabes
Last night’s speech by incoming Bar Council chair Maura McGowan QC was full of diplomatic...
‘A barrister’s rhetorical flourishes can be seductive, but eventually they become an irritating distraction’
Ed note: This is the latest post in the ‘If I knew then what I...
Standards Slipping At The Bar…
Picture courtesy of must-follow legal tweeter Jeremy Hopkins.
Stop Insulting Powerful People With Cruel ‘Twits’ Gibes, Urges Bar Standards Board Chief
Yesterday on her blog Bar Standards Board (BSB) chief Baroness Ruth Deech argued that there...
Bar Social Mobility Week: Northerners Need Not Apply
This week is Bar social mobility placement week, with 69 high-achieving students from low-performing state...
Minimum Pupillage Award ‘Limits Flow Of Talent To The Bar’
Keep the minimum wage for trainee solicitors, but scrap it for pupil barristers, argues OccupyTheInns...
Apprentice Star Sparks Daily Mail Pupillage Coffee-Making Row
“If you had someone trained as a barrister, you wouldn’t have them running round making...
Dismissed: Wannabe Barrister’s Claim That Minimum Pupillage Award Is Discriminatory To Black Africans
Like many Bar graduates, John Iteshi couldn’t get a pupillage – or even an interview...
EXCLUSIVE: Cottaging At The Inner Temple – Police Patrolling Sex Venue Toilets
Inner Temple has been forced to call in the police to deal with groups of...
QC’s ‘Joke’ Lands Him In Trouble – But He’s Cleared Of Misconduct
As a coroner struggled to work her new iPad at an inquest for a man...
Killing Time In Pre-Pupillage Purgatory
Pupillage-less prospective barrister Jack Smith is wary of forking out yet more cash on a...
How To Get An Inns Of Court Scholarship
BPTC student Jack Smith, who’s in receipt of a full scholarship from Lincoln’s Inn, explains...
Bar Social Mobility Scheme Strikes Blow For The 99%
Inner Temple’s work experience initiative is infused with the spirit of the Occupy movement, writes...
Got a 2:2? Want To Be a Barrister? Well, You’ve Got a Chance
While researching my article about sitting the Kaplan BPTC aptitude test for the Guardian this...