Tag: Advice

What they don’t teach you at law school
From time recording to 'playing the game' -- solicitor Baljinder Singh Atwal shares lessons and tips from his time in practice so far

49 tips candidates need to know before starting as a trainee solicitor
Courtesy of five trainees at Shearman & Sterling

What to expect when you meet a wannabe lawyer — some Medieval advice
Freshers be wary

Starting out in law: 5 pieces of advice I’d give to my younger self
The College of Legal Practice programme committee member Bhavisha Mistry on how aspiring lawyers can overcome the hurdles she faced when in their shoes

6 easy ways wannabe lawyers can ace their vac scheme video interviews
As demonstrated through TikToks 🎶

Advice to first year law students from a second year
'The key is preparedness', writes Durham undergrad Adam Jordan, as he offers up his top tips to first year success

Barrister shares top 10 pupillage application tips as Gateway reopens
'Do not swallow a thesaurus', Colin Witcher advises

Legal Cheek Podcast: How to become a confident public speaker
Available to listen now ?

‘Why do City law firms target second year law students?’
It just seems so arbitrary

The Legal Cheek Podcast: Why failure is just a form of feedback
We sit down with private equity partner Richard Youle ?

99 training contract interview tips
With examples of the questions you need to know how to answer

‘I’ve got first year scheme offers from A&O, HSF and Slaughters — which should I pick?’
They all run on the same dates

Junior barrister offers her top 15 tips to pupillage interview success
Accept it's a competition but don't sweat the small stuff, says Red Lion Chambers' Joanna Hardy
A law student shares his last-minute TC application pain
Face down those procrastination demons
6 ways to distract law firms from disappointing first-year results
Keep calm and carry on, says first-year law student Christianah Babajide
The great Legal Cheek debate: to post-grad gap year or to not post-grad gap year
Indulge your wanderlust, or get straight on the payroll? You decide
7 pieces of advice I’d give to my junior barrister self
City Law School pro bono director Sarwan Singh on what he's learnt on his journey from law centres and local government to academia
Advice: ‘I met my conditions for Durham, but my grades are good enough for me to re-apply to Oxbridge’
Last week I received this email from an A-level student who is considering taking a...
Quitting a law degree because of a disappointing first year: a good idea?
Last week I got this email. My response is below. Dear Anonymous Lancaster University Student,...
The Guardian’s advice to this wannabe lawyer is really bad
The ‘work’ section of Saturday’s The Guardian featured a plea for help from a wannabe...
How not to become a smart casualty at a law firm open day
Is smart casual a trap? A law firm “encourages” me to turn up for their...