Legal Cheek Journal

The most original writing about legal affairs on the internet.

The Workers Act 2023: What does it mean in practice?

Anglia Ruskin law student Olga Kyriakoudi explores its implications

Jan 3 2024 8:55am

Legal Takeaway: Who’s who for Deliveroo?

Oxford Uni PPE grad Joshua Masson explores the UKSC's recent Deliveroo judgment 

Dec 11 2023 11:37am

Human rights obligations in investor-state disputes

Bristol Uni law student Jasmine Cundiff, explores the hurdles to keeping investors accountable

Dec 6 2023 12:57pm

Could you be fired by a robot – and would UK anti-discrimination law protect you?

Cambridge Uni law grad Puja Patel analyses whether current anti-discrimination laws are fit for purpose in the wake of AI

Nov 30 2023 7:49am

The past, present and future of the Quincecare duty

Hannah Sinclair, Bristol Uni law grad and aspiring barrister, charts the developments following Philipp v Barclays Bank

Nov 9 2023 9:43am

‘Failure to prevent fraud’ and what it means for businesses

Bar course grad Shifra Moriarty explores recent developments in financial crimes legislation

Oct 31 2023 8:16am

Lights, camera, carbon: The legal state of celebrity carbon footprints

KCL law student Ana Palade explores how celebrities can be held more accountable for their carbon-intensive activities

Oct 23 2023 8:16am

Access to justice: how can we do more?

Cardiff University law student Sophia McKenna explores how we can develop effective solutions

Oct 19 2023 9:22am

Who owns indigenous knowledge: local communities or corporations?

Lawyers Ria Das and Sia Das explore the pressing problem of biopiracy of indigenous knowledge

Oct 9 2023 8:16am

Competition chronicles: Microsoft vs The CMA and FTC

Exeter Uni law student Dara Adefemi explores the complexities of competition law

Sep 25 2023 10:56am

Why we need to take a closer look at ‘loot boxes’

Aspiring barrister Georgia Keeton-Williams on why more needs to be done to protect children from in-game currencies

Sep 19 2023 8:47am

Navigating bias in generative AI

Nottingham PPE student Charlie Downey looks at the challenges around artificial intelligence

Sep 11 2023 9:22am

How election legislation has failed the UK’s visually-impaired voters

Aspiring barrister Lauren Slade explores the lack of statutory protection for the blind

Sep 4 2023 8:41am

Flexible working, inflexible stereotypes

Durham Uni psychology grad Darcie Summers analyses the gendered implications of the UK passing the Flexible Working Bill

Aug 29 2023 9:45am

Improving access to justice – is AI the answer?

Jake Fletcher-Stega, a recent University of Liverpool law grad explores the potential for technology to enhance legal services

Aug 21 2023 8:37am

What is an act of God? A deep dive into force majeure clauses

University of York law student Phoebe Parker explores the implications of unexpected events in today’s rapidly changing world

Aug 14 2023 7:36am
lawyers AI robots

The blame game: who takes the heat when AI messes up?

Megha Nautiyal, a final-year law student at the University of Delhi, explores the relationship between liability and technology

Aug 8 2023 8:55am

The future of music copyright laws

Cambridge University graduate and aspiring lawyer Katrina Toner considers what lies ahead for IP laws

Jul 26 2023 8:58am

K-pop and contract law

Law graduate Anca Andreea Aurica explores the popularity of South Korean pop music and the growing curiosity around artists' contracts

Jun 7 2023 11:34am

Did deregulation kill SVB?

Oxford University law student and future Magic Circle trainee Declan Peters examines the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank

Mar 22 2023 10:25am

Greenwashing: the latest fashion sweeping the globe?

ULaw graduate and paralegal Charlotte Cheshire investigates fast fashion brands' 'green' claims

Mar 20 2023 10:53am