Legal Cheek Journal

The most original writing about legal affairs on the internet.

Julian Assange, you’re not being ‘arbitrarily detained’: step forward and stop evading the rule of law

The United Nations couldn’t have got this any more wrong if it’d tried

Mar 8 2016 11:25am

Joshua Rozenberg: Supreme Court to sort out bedroom tax mess — but it won’t be easy

The background to this week’s human rights showdown explained

Feb 29 2016 12:01am

The MM case: Long distance couples challenge the ‘anti-love law’

Supreme Court ruling could lead to an influx of immigration

Feb 24 2016 10:31am

Assisted dying — a right not a request

There’s no excuse, now is the time to fight for legislative reform

Feb 22 2016 11:24am

Do we need a new Magna Carta for the digital age?

The current law can’t cope with the social media phenomenon

Feb 18 2016 11:03am

It’s time to move away from trusts principles and towards proprietary estoppel in acquisition cases

Co-habiting couples are on the up, and they need property rights too

Feb 15 2016 12:04pm

A critical analysis of the R v Taylor Supreme Court judgment

Taking a vehicle and killing someone with it is no longer enough to be convicted of aggravated vehicle taking

Feb 11 2016 11:14am

The rise and rise of Islamic finance law

What is Islamic finance? And why is it so great?

Feb 8 2016 12:07pm

The Defamation Act 2013: What is it and has it worked?

Nods to free speech, but has a detrimental impact on businesses

Feb 3 2016 1:50pm

Introducing the Legal Cheek Journal

Now it's your turn to write

Feb 1 2016 1:16pm

Policing the police — when does discretion become dangerous?

Excessive discretion runs counter to criminal justice goals

Jan 31 2016 6:38pm