Legal Cheek Journal

The most original writing about legal affairs on the internet.

Should there be criminal liability for corporations?

Debate about corporate manslaughter thrust into spotlight following Grenfell Tower fire

Jun 14 2018 10:22am

Clause 8(e): The Cambridge Analytica enabling clause

Law student Joe Ferris delves deep into the Data Protection Bill in his runner-up entry to the BARBRI International Privacy Law Blogging Prize

Jun 11 2018 2:20pm

In opposition to data ownership

Should you be paid for every page you like on Facebook? Read the winning entry to the BARBRI International Privacy Law Blogging Prize, by UCL law student Natalie Chyi

Jun 4 2018 2:50pm

They say that data is the new oil — but who exactly owns it?

As part of Legal Cheek’s occasional series exploring buzzing legal research across the UK and internationally, today, on the day that new data protection rules come into force, we delve into the unchartered territory of the law on data ownership

May 25 2018 10:03am

Drunken consent in rape cases: Why the law leaves a lot to be desired

Legislation and case law raises questions

May 23 2018 11:15am

Consensual sadomasochism is private sex — not violence

Law students marvel at R v Brown, but has the law got it right?

May 3 2018 12:01pm

Should sex offenders have access to the internet?

It's seen as a human right

Apr 12 2018 10:46am

Why DDoS protests won’t fit into freedom of expression rights

A response to 'Prioritise intent, not effects: A nuanced approach to DDOS cyber-attacks and free speech'

Apr 4 2018 10:43am

Brexit: Are we going to run out of time?

Politicians and academics grapple with Article 50 two-year deadline

Mar 26 2018 1:12pm

Can we regulate Uber into ‘doing the right thing’?

In the first of its kind, Legal Cheek launches an occasional series exploring buzzing legal research across the UK and internationally

Mar 16 2018 11:32am

Why are British nationals being prosecuted for fighting against ISIS?

You risk your life fighting terrorists, then get treated like one when you come home

Mar 9 2018 1:54pm

Is ‘national security’ fast becoming a tool of protectionism?

Growing use of national security grounds to intervene against foreign investments flies in the face of Theresa May's 'open for business' mantra

Mar 6 2018 11:16am

Joshua Rozenberg on the power of judicial review

Two major, and very different, cases step into the spotlight

Mar 1 2018 9:09am

The legal minefield that is private space travel

International space law is now more important than ever before

Feb 19 2018 11:58am

The final countdown to GDPR compliance begins

Womble Bond Dickinson's data protection team explains the key points of the big legislative change of 2018

Feb 15 2018 3:15pm

How young people see the abolition of net neutrality

Free competition between websites is an illusion already

Jan 22 2018 2:29pm