Legal Cheek Careers

The latest careers content in one place, plus events, key deadlines, campus ambassador programme details and the Legal Cheek Most Lists.

10 revision tips from people who have nailed law exams

Trainee solicitors, barristers and law lecturers distil their exam preparation wisdom into seven-second Vine clips

Apr 22 2015 1:46pm

How to squeeze in a vac scheme during the GDL

Juggling study and a work placement at Mayer Brown in London and Paris was worth it for Thomas Ajose

Apr 20 2015 4:11pm

9 things we learned from the #PupillageApps Q&A

The best bits from last night's Twitter discussion about how to bag a pupillage

Apr 10 2015 1:30pm

We are holding a Twitter Q&A about how to ace a pupillage application this Thursday at 7pm

Join top barristers and experts from law schools and the Inns of Court this Thursday at 7pm

Apr 7 2015 6:50pm

Video: Where will the next generation of advocates come from and how will they train?

The full feisty discussion of last week's Legal Cheek Careers Q&A at Gray's Inn is now live on YouTube -- watch it below

Apr 1 2015 11:06am

This is what students learn on first year open days

Five students who attended Shearman & Sterling's 'Head Start' first year open day last week tell Legal Cheek what they found out about the legal profession

Mar 31 2015 2:25pm

How to become a QC at a City law firm

Herbert Smith Freehills' Matthew Weiniger QC found that clients were reluctant to instruct solicitors in the High Court, but not in international arbitrations

Mar 24 2015 11:25am

10 must-dos for Pupillage Gateway applicants from the barristers who assess them

Avoid jokes and jargon, embrace business blurb and Blaise Pascal -- and spend ages filling out the form

Mar 20 2015 1:20pm

‘There are plenty of weak advocates at the bar who were never properly trained’

9 Bedford Row barrister James Welsh, who is joint director of programmes for the BPTC at BPP Law School, reckons advocacy is as much a taught skill as a natural gift

Mar 19 2015 4:41pm

From international firm to the bar: law remains about dealing with people

Hardwicke barrister Charles Raffin on what he has learned on his journey from the City to the bar

Mar 16 2015 1:46pm

How being a City law firm campus ambassador can get you to the front of the training contract queue

As the Friday application deadline to become a Hogan Lovells 2015-16 campus ambassador nears, Alex Aldridge meets one of the students who's held the role this year

Mar 10 2015 12:28pm

Event: Where will the next generation of advocates come from and how will they train?

Free Legal Cheek Careers event at Gray’s Inn featuring a panel of top solicitors and barristers — open to all law students and junior lawyers

Mar 9 2015 2:36pm

How being an NQ differs from life as a trainee

Mayer Brown newly qualified associate Harriet Hainsworth on the step up from trainee to solicitor

Mar 2 2015 11:49am

How first year students can get ahead in the race for training contracts

Alex Aldridge meets the Manchester University trio who won the Norton Rose Fulbright GP Challenge

Feb 26 2015 1:13pm

How to get a law school scholarship

The students who bagged scholarships from BPP Law School and the Inns of Court reveal how they did it

Feb 24 2015 12:04pm

6 ways candidates who don’t fit the mould can boost their chances of landing a training contract or pupillage

Advice for rough diamonds from Norton Rose Fulbright, Hardwicke and BPP Law School

Feb 20 2015 11:06am

We are holding a myth-busting Facebook Q&A about getting a training contract or pupillage today at 1pm

Advice from Norton Rose Fulbright, Hardwicke and BPP Law School in hour-long session that is open to all

Feb 17 2015 2:03pm

Demystifying the City: 11 things that corporate lawyers do

Alex Aldridge distils the key points from Hogan Lovells' Oxford University 'Demystifying law in the City' lecture

Feb 5 2015 10:15am

How to nail an application to a non-Pupillage Gateway chambers

There are eight top 30 chambers' pupillage application deadlines in the next month

Jan 13 2015 9:54am

8 vac scheme application form hacks

Warwick history graduate Harrison Hutchinson, who starts a training contract at Shearman & Sterling next year, explains how to nail a vac scheme application

Jan 7 2015 11:15am

Winter vac schemes are coming — so relax and get stuck in

Norton Rose Fulbright trainee-to-be Constantine Markides shares the wisdom he gleaned from doing a December placement last year

Dec 8 2014 1:03pm